Treatment: NA list for other countries
List of doctors and clinics performing NA in the rest of the world (outside North America and the UK)
Additons to this list are very welcome! An extensive list of doctors offering NA in Germany is provided on
Australia and New Zealand
Dr Shane O’Neill
Plastic & Hand Surgeon
Suite 9, 56 Neridah Street
Chatswood New South Wales 2067
Phone 1300 376 634
Dr. David Dilley
9 Albion St
Harris Park, New South Wales 2150
Phone (02) 9687 8735
Dr. Nicholas Smith
Specialty Orthopaedics
Norwest Private Hospital
Suite G18, 11 Norbrik Drive
Bella Vista, New South Wales 2153
Phone: (02) 9806 3333
Dr. Jennifer Green
Canberra Private Hospital
Level 1, Building 2
70 Kent St
Deakin ACT 2600
Phone: (02) 6173 3709
Philip A Griffin MBBS FRACS(Plast)
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
Suite 605
Flinders Private Hospital
Bedford Park South Australia 5042
Phone 08 8276 6288
Dr Jill Tomlinson
549 Bridge Road
Richmond, Victoria 3121
Phone number 03 9427 9596
David Hunter-Smith MBBS (Hons) FRACS (Plast)
Plastic, Reconstructive and Hand Surgeon
Coastal Plastic Surgery Centre
Level 1, 262 Main Street
Mornington Victoria 3931
Phone 03 5976 3522
A F Stewart Flemming MB BS FRCS FRACS
Fremantle Hospital
Alma Street
Fremantle Western Australia 6160
Phone 08 9431 3316
New Zealand:
Dr. Albert Yoon
Orthopaedic Hand Surgeon
Consulting at level 2, 209 Shakespeare Rd
Milford, Auckland 0626
Phone 09 4865121
Dr. Pricilla d’Agostino
Louise Medical Center
Clinique de la Main
284 Avenue Louise
1050 Bruxelles
Phone: +32 2 534 29 99
Dr. H. S. Cheng
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong
Prof. Dr. Leung-kim HUNG
Professor, Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
5th floor, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong
Phone: +852 2632 2723
Fax: +852 2637 7889
Dr. Daniel W. H. Mok
Specialist in Orthopaedics & Traumatology
Hong Kong Shoulder & Wrist Centre
Suite 2906, Bank of America Tower
12 Harcourt Road,
Central, Hong Kong
Phone: +852 2537 8884
Fax: +852 2537 4128
See list_France_NA
Please refer to our German website.
Prof. Seán Carroll
Suite 26, Beacon Clinic,
Sandyford, Dublin 18, D18 E7P4
Phone: +353 (0) 12135611
Dr. Stefano Cataldi
Via Di Trasone, 61
00199 Roma (RM)
Clinica Sanatrix, phone (+39) 06 86321981
Cell phone (+39) 335 5288651
Dr. Kazuki Kuniyoshi
Dr. Yusuke Matsuura
Dr. Kenichi Murakami
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Graduate School of Medicine
Chiba University
1-8-1 Inohana, Chuo-ku
Medisch Centrum Alkmaar
Dr. J.D. Moolenburgh (Rheumatologist)
Wilhelminalaan 12
1815 JD Alkmaar
Phone: +31.725483250
UMC Groningen
Dept of Plastic Surgery
Prof. Dr. P.M.N. Werker
Hanzeplein 1
9700 RB Groningen
Phone: +31.50.3613220 (for appointments)
Dep of plastic surgery and hand surgery
Dr. A. Braakenburg
St Antonius Ziekenhuis
Koekoekslaan 1
3435 CM Nieuwegein
Phone: 088-320 24 00
Dr. Vilhjalmur Finsen
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU
7491 Trondheim
Phone: +47 73868611
St. Petersburg 194044
Medical Military Academy
Clinic of military traumatology and orthopedy
Botkinskaya street 13
Dr. Nikolay Gubochkin, Plastic, Reconstructive and Hand Surgeon
Phone: +7-951-307-50-07
St. Petersburg 191186
International Medical Centre «SOGAZ»
Hand and Plastic Surgery Department
Malaya Konyushennaya street 8
Dr. Andrei Zhigalo, Plastic, Reconstructive and Hand Surgeon
Phone: +7-951-65-65-911
St. Petersburg, 188643, Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsktown,
Interdistrict Clinical Hospital
Koltushskoe shosse 20
Dr. Aleksander Silaev, Hand Surgeon, Foot Surgeon
Phone: + 7-952-283-31-82
Dr. Sebastian Radomski
Calle Guayrin 8
San Pedro-Breña Alta
Isla La Palma
Phone: +34-922 42 98 05
Movil: +34-638 21 81 35
Dr. Georges Rappoport
35, av. de Rumine
1005 Lausanne
email: g.rappoport /at/ bluewin. ch
Tel: +41-213 236 130
Stadtspital Waid
Dr. Julia Sproedt
Tièchestrasse 99
8037 Zürich
Tel: +41 – 44 – 366 2472
Kantonsspital Winterthur
Klinik für Hand- und Plastische Chirurgie
Dr. A. R. Jandali
Brauerstrasse 15
8401 Winterthur
Tel: +41 – 52 – 266 24 24
Worldwide list of French trained doctors:
A list of doctors who received training in France, i.e. by the French „Association pour l’etude et le traitement non-chirurgical de la maladie de Dupuytren“, is provided on list_NA. This list naturally includes many doctors in France but some also from a variety of other European and non-European countries.