Daniel’s story of living with
Dupuytren’s and his various surgeries and NA
My Dupuytren started when I was born since both my
parents suffered from it. I'm being facetious but when I asked one of my
hand surgeons if there is a way for me to avoid Dupuytren in the future, his
reply was: "Change your parents!"
I first developed Dupuytren in 1971 when I was
28 and living in Pittsburgh. There was a lump on my right index
finger (between the MCP and PIP joints) but nothing in the palm. The
surgeon (he was an orthopedic, not a hand surgeon) told me that it was not
Dupuytren and surgically removed it. In
1972, the lump came back (still nothing in the palm), so I had
another surgery with the same surgeon (growth again misdiagnosed). Within
a year, it came back again (still nothing in the palm). This time, the
surgeon did not know what to do with me and sent me to his partner, another
orthopedic surgeon. The partner also misdiagnosed the lump
and recommended a third surgery to remove it (in case the lump was
malignant) and “if it comes back again,“ he said, “your
finger will have to be amputated.“ This time, I decided to get another opinion
and found a hand surgeon. He told me that I had Dupuytren and guaranteed
me that there was no way the lump was or would become malignant.
He added that I had already had too many surgeries on my finger and
that I should not do anything, a piece of advice that I decided to take.
When I moved to New York in 1977, he recommended
that I see Dr. Littler who was, at the time, one of
the gurus of hand surgery. Dr. Littler continued
the watch and wait approach until 1984 when he recommended surgery. By
then, I had growth between the MCP and PIP joints as well as between the PIP
and DIP joints (still nothing in the palm). My finger was bent about 60
degrees. The result of the surgery was a totally straight finger (despite
it not being straight since 1973) and no recurrence. I will be eternally
grateful to the Pittsburgh hand surgeon and to Dr. Littler. Unfortunately,
this is not the end of my story.
Within a year of the 1984 surgery, Dupuytren decided
to go after the little finger on my right hand (palm and MCP). By
the time I needed to consider surgery, Dr. Littler had
retired; so I went to see one of his disciples, Dr Beasley, also a top hand
surgeon. He recommended a fasciectomy with a skin graft, which he
performed in 1990. I have not had any recurrence since. However,
Dupuytren decided now to go after my left hand.
In the 1990s, I started developing nodules and
cords in the palm of my left hand (below the index and little
fingers). After a few years, my little finger started bending. I
play jazz/blues piano in my spare time and had recently started playing in a
band. I became quite bothered by my loss of span in my left hand (could
barely do a seventh). I came across the Dupuytren Society on the
internet where I learned of the existence of needle aponoreurotomy (NA), an approach less invasive
than surgery. I had it performed in 2007. Unfortunately, within a
few months, my finger started bending again. So, I went for a fasciectomy
in 2008 which almost straightened my finger and improved my hand
span. While the operated little finger has been holding up, the
Dupuytren on my index finger got worse and I started developing Dupuytren
at the base of the thumb as well. Though my thumb is not bent, I just
cannot stretch it out. I am now back to being able to
play only up to a seventh on the piano.
Recently, I investigated Radiotherapy (RT) and saw
a radiologist who had performed a few Dupuytren treatments. He told me
that RT should only be done as a last resort because it would make any
subsequent surgery, if needed, more difficult to perform. He said that he only treats Dupuytren after
multiple surgeries have failed and that the treatment would have to take place
at the onset of the latest reoccurrence.
Clearly, I was not a candidate for him.
I decided to accept his advice.
In April this year, I gave acupuncture a try. For fear of stimulating Dupuytren growth, I
asked the acupuncturist not to insert any needles in the palm or fingers. After a few sessions, there appeared to be a
small improvement in the hand span but, with subsequent sessions, there was no
further improvement. I stopped the
treatment and my span now seems to be back to where it was before the treatment
I saw a hand surgeon a few weeks ago. He
recommended the collagenase approach but told me that my hand is not quite
ready for it and that I should come back to see him in six months. So, I
take his statement as good news, i.e., my hand is not bad at this stage. Unfortunately,
a "not bad“ diagnosis doesn’t mean that it is not
limiting my piano playing. The reduced hand span is a problem. I have to be conscious that compensating for
it (through extra stretching or a different fingering) may aggravate my
Dupuytren or even create new problems unrelated to it. Pianists are prone to hand injuries due
to repetitive high speed movements. So,
limitations due to Dupuytren could make one even more susceptible to such
In conclusion, open surgeries have been very
successful for me when they were performed by top hand surgeons. However, they may have stimulated Dupuytren
growth in other parts of the hand. The
unpredictable recurrence issue makes it difficult to determine the right course
of action. I’ve had ups, I’ve had downs
but when I’m on the down side, I remind myself that it is not a life
threatening disease.
August 30, 2012