Forum for Dupuytren’s and Ledderhose disease
(for reference to Peyronie’s disease please see below)
We want to use this web site to improve communication between people suffering from Dupuytren’s and related diseases. Communicating individual experience can help others to handle their disease better, and it may also help science to find new ways to cure Dupuytren’s. We want to encourage everyone to describe their experience with Dupuytren’s, what therapies have been used and whether or to what extent they helped (or didn’t).
On this site so far, we describe three therapies in more detail but we have heard of, and sampled, other therapies as well. The more knowledge and experience we can collect, the more insight we gain, and the better the information we can give people on the best treatments.
Therefore please visit our Forum and share your experience with us!
Note: Our forum is primarily for patients. Medicals doctors are very welcome to contribute as well but we ask them to mention that they are physicians.
Our forum is organized into several boards:
Dupuytren board is for all posts referring to Dupuytren’s contracture and its classical treatments. This boards includes topics like NA experience by Australian Users which hold a variety of posts.
Ledderhose board targets Ledderhose disease and includes topics like My PF/Ledderhose Experience .
Other therapies is a board for all discussions on new therapies and related ideas. It contains topics like Collagenase – where is it available?
Forum Archive 1 and Forum Archive 2 are archive boards holding older topics/threads for reference. They can be searched with the Search function of our forum software.
Click here to get the Forum start page .
Ledderhose – Specialized on Ledderhose disease are the Yahoo groups on ledderhose_disease and plantar_fibromatosis (the latter being age restricted for whatever reason). You need to join the Yahoo groups to participate in those forums (but that’s easy).
Peyronie’s – A very active US forum, combined with an excellent web site on Peyronie’s disease (IPP = Induratio Penis Plastica).