30yo male, just been diagnosed, questions on my diet and next steps. |
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05/09/2015 22:30
05/09/2015 22:30

Re: 30yo male, just been diagnosed, questions on my diet and next steps.
DD is a form of arthritis. The body attacking itself, very similiar to antibodies sent out from the autoimmune system to protect against foreign antibodies in the form of collagen. That is what my doctor explained to me.
05/10/2015 06:41
wach  Administrator
05/10/2015 06:41
wach  Administrator
Re: 30yo male, just been diagnosed, questions on my diet and next steps.
Hi Cherise,
Dupuytren's is still a widely not understood disease. The claim that it is an autoimmune disease or some form of arthritis has little evidence. It is, at best, just one of many theories. WHO defines Dupuytren's as a benign tumor. That's quite different to arthritis.
Cherise: Hi,
DD is a form of arthritis. The body attacking itself, very similiar to antibodies sent out from the autoimmune system to protect against foreign antibodies in the form of collagen. That is what my doctor explained to me.
05/11/2015 21:09
05/11/2015 21:09
Re: 30yo male, just been diagnosed, questions on my diet and next steps.
That's pretty much the consensus of what I've read, not auto-immune related although you find an occasional article that tries to make that claim, but as you say no medical evidence offered, just a theory.
05/20/2015 21:20
05/20/2015 21:20
Re: 30yo male, just been diagnosed, questions on my diet and next steps.
I have to agree with Cherise. Anytime your body reacts against its own tissues it is considered autoimmune. This is exactly what Dups is doing! It's attacking normal, healthy tissue.
I have Ledderhose in both feet but had RT in 2012. I had good results but now have a small nodule in my foot right on the edge of where I had the radiation. Not sure if I can have it radiated again. I also have some small nodules forming on my right hand. I guess I will go back to Dr. T at Scripps and have them evaluated.
I did watch an interesting video on youtube regarding Dups. "A healing solution alternative" discussing the mixture of magnesium oil, potassium iodide, and DMSO. The young man said his girlfriend had been dealing with dupuytren's for several years and then had surgery. About a year later it came back and her hand start contracting again. She used this mixture and in about 3 months the contracture went from about 40 degrees to about 15 degrees. He wasn't touting any brands just explained how much of each solution he used for the mixture. It costs about $60 and you can get it at any health food store or compounding pharmacy.
I have been using this mixture for about a month. I have noticed the nodules aren't nearly as inflamed as they were but will keep trying for a few more months. There is a lot of literature out there about these ingredients and I will update in about a month if I see any improvement.
Thanks to all for the good information I have found on this website. Continue the good work!
05/21/2015 06:03
spanishbuddha  Administrator
05/21/2015 06:03
spanishbuddha  Administrator
Re: 30yo male, just been diagnosed, questions on my diet and next steps.
I think it's best to leave categorising to the medical professionals. Auto-immune means something quite specific in terms of cellular activity, and DD shows no evidence of those criteria. Wrong categorisation can lead to false or fake treatment.
DMSO/SSKI has been tried previously by forum members, and none have reported success in the long term. So be careful how much you spend but I hope it does help you.
05/31/2015 22:19
05/31/2015 22:19
Re: 30yo male, just been diagnosed, questions on my diet and next steps.
Hi Mr_C,
I think you are right in your quest to avoid surgery at all costs and I hope that my contribution is of assistance, it is a remedy I stumbled upon through personal experimentation and feel extremely lucky in doing so.
I did not read your original posting and as such responded inapproprately, my appologies (I came into your thread via an external search engine and someone elses post on your thread) - I am making changes to my original posting accordingly and in attempt at rectifying this.
Very simply I think a beneficial remedy that should assist the condition is Fresh Ginger Root - you want to apply it topically to your hand at least twice daily (Morning and Evening) if not more often than that in the early stages.
You should also benefit from ingesting it too - either by eating raw or making a Tea from it which you can have either hot or cold throughout your day - this should assist in combatting other general inflamation of the body and improving blood circulation.
While I won't comment on some of the further life style changes you are considering, I believe you would be making beneficial changes - anything that impinges on blood flow is a negative, and smoking is one of those as it hardens the arteries and veins and further accelerates their narrowing and clogging.
I feel your quest should not end with success in treating D.D, the underlying cause should be sought out and dealt with, unfortunately this could be anything from stress, bad sleeping parterns, malnutrition or underlying physical ailments - the true remedy lies in overall good health.
To avoid unnecessary duplication try reading my post in the "Other Therapies" section of the forum -> "DUPUYTREN's CONTRACTURE - A Simple Remedy - Massage, Ginger and Knowledge - ..."
I sincerely believe you will succeed in your quest and wish you success in your quest - I hope that you will share any beneficial remedies you come across in your quest.
Edited 06/05/15 14:54
01/03/2016 20:59
01/03/2016 20:59
Re: 30yo male, just been diagnosed, questions on my diet and next steps.
Hi barb444
I was reading your post below and was wondering how you are doing and if the dietary changes have still be effective? I'm about to try using iodine with a few other things. The bone broth part makes me very curious, because that would possibly indicate a microbiome / gut flora response which directly influences the immune system.
"a page owned by a couple interested in tendon help for sports people" Do you happen to have a link to the website that you mention you found this on?
Are the supplements and diet all mentioned below? Or are there other things you are doing to treat your dupuytrens as well?
Thanks for your response in advance.
Best, Christopher
barb444: i have had dupuytrens in my pinky finger for about four years curling and stiff. i also have had the beginnings of it in my index finger like you Mr C just the beginnings, hardening and tendon shrinking a little. i am female and no family history, dont smoke or drink alcohol , i have had immune problems for approx 9 years. i try and avoid Dr's meds until absolutely essential so have done lots of research over the years on the internet. i believe diet and lifestyle are a big part in our health. so after spending a long time researching dupuytrens i tried just looking at other solutions for tendon problems. Whoo Hoo, i found a page owned by a couple interested in tendon help for sports people, and the wife had had immune problems. from this page i decided to try a couple of their suggestions. 1; Magnesium. I took 125mg x 2 daily 2; bone broth used as base for soups and stews.
IN 5 DAYS I HAVE HAD A MIRACLE. my pinky finger has no pain and is 75% straight. i cant believe it after all this time. unbelievable yes. but have you got anything to loose for giving it a try????? i want to shout it from the rooftops i am so excited. my bone broth was just chicken carcasses and lamb neck chops in crock pot for 24 hours. (web page said 48 hours but i was impatient to get onto it.) added to veges, barley and lentils to make a soup. i ate that for the 5 days along with fruit.
i take a few other vitamins for other immune symptoms which may of influenced my result. Multi, VIT C,E, CoQ10, and a drop of iodine a day.
if you wanted to give this a go, which i really really recommend remember to ask you dr if its ok to take vitamins with whatever you already on, and dont worry if he says the vitamin wont work. its worth a try i saw a difference in pain in two days and the finger straightening out more each day after three days.
History: 1st Nodule started 6/2015 ring finger, left hand. Untreated Trigger finger started 11/2013, middle finger, left hand. Treatment: 3 corizone injections over past 2 years (effective for 8+ months) D.C. Family history: 2 older brothers; multiple DC surgeries, same with father, uncle, aunt, & grandfather.
01/04/2016 06:52
01/04/2016 06:52

Re: 30yo male, just been diagnosed, questions on my diet and next steps.
Hello! I take what you suggest daily & many more supplements for years. Soups and antiinflammatory foods and no sugar or white flour and simply eat healthy. More fruits and veggies than meats. Only grass fed red meat as a treat & no pre packaged foods. I personally prefer the Mediterranean diet. I have immune disease as well as Dupuytrens. It never helped my fingers. I had Xiaflex injection which straighten out my fingers. Very good to hear it has helped you ! Everyone is different. KIND regards, Cherise
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