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Can Glucosamine and/or Condritin promote Dupuytrens??
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05/07/2002 23:13
05/07/2002 23:13
Glucosamine & Vitamin C

Besides my own gathering of information pertaining to the above, I located an item on the PDL (Verapamil) web-site verifying my conclusion about Glucosamine and large doses of Vitamin C. They are Collagen producers, exactly what excaserbates the D/C disease.

My advice: DON'T USE THE PRODUCT. I myself fell victim to rapid finger bending since taking G/C after knee surgery.


05/09/2002 23:58
05/09/2002 23:58
Just learned I have Dupuytren~sq~s

I just had carpal tunnel surgery in Feb,(as well as joint replacement of thumb) and was in great pain from my cast, so I kept gripping it thru out recovery time of six weeks to keep it from sliding up and down. When I found it hard to straighten my fingers post-cast, I thought it was just from the reaction of being clutched around cast, and despite physical therapy 3x a week, things seemed no better. On my last visit to surgeon, he told me that the nodules in my palm and the stiffness of the fingers not bending back, rather slightly curling inward, was Dupuytren's triggered by the surgery. I doubt that most doctors are warning folks that D/C could be a complication of carpal tunnel syndrome! Of course, I suppose like most new "patients", I'm upset to learn that what was supposed to help my hand function will in fact make it much worse over time unless I can learn how to deal with D/C somehow. Is there is a way to deal with it beyond surgery again? I'm very unwilling to ever risk hand surgery again. That of course, means my arthritis wasted left thumb will go untreated so I don't trigger D/C in the left hand too. Maybe I'm hoping I'll avoid having it move beyond the right hand.
In the last week, my right shoulder has also been acting like it is frozen again (like about 15 yrs. ago). After reading a lot of the postings on this site, I'm realizing that is not rare! With arthritis in knees and both hands, I'd been taking Glucosamine/Chondroitin at the recommended 1500mg/day. At this point, after reading the forum's contributors, I'm not certain that is a good idea any more. Anyone with very recent diagnosis have advice on what "works" to slow this disease down? What is this Verapramil?

05/10/2002 23:52
jim h

not registered

05/10/2002 23:52
jim h

not registered

Stopping G/C helped a lot/beta blockers

Verapamil, in a topical form, is being marketed by a company called Prescription Dispensing Labs (www.pdlabs.net). They claim it's effective against Dupuytren's. I've seen messages posted here from people who say they're trying it, but I've never seen a followup message that it actually worked. It's expensive, and not FDA approved, so insurance won't cover it.

05/10/2002 23:55
05/10/2002 23:55
Stopping G/C helped a lot/beta blockers

I was diagnosed with dupuytren's in February, and was having a lot of pain and tightening. When I stopped the G/C I was taking for an achilles tendon problem, the pain in my hands stopped. It was like a miracle.
About the beta blockers, I started taking them a couple weeks ago because I have a hyper thyroid, and they slow the racing heart it causes. Maybe that explains why my hands started hurting again. Not as bad as with the G/C but I'm waking up with stiff fingers again, and that had gone away until a couple weeks ago. Interesting connection, but right now, I'm not giving up the beta blockers.

05/13/2002 23:24

not registered

05/13/2002 23:24

not registered

Glucosamine + other glyconutrients

Several reports here that glucosamine worsened DC raise the questions: is the effect dose-dependent, and what about other glyconutrients. A short literature search revealed a mix of results on how some glyconutrients and other foods may impact collagen production and platelet aggregation. Preliminary results (too long to place here) are posted at http://www.avantrex.com/resources/dupuytren.html

05/15/2002 23:05
George Barbarow

not registered

05/15/2002 23:05
George Barbarow

not registered

Alternative treatment Dupuytren~sq~s

Extremely interesting see:

05/15/2002 23:17

not registered

05/15/2002 23:17

not registered

interesting info

avantex and pls....Both interesting sites. Something about copper deficiency? And circulation. But the pls site, that was 1999. Is Cordase available yet?

05/16/2002 23:04

not registered

05/16/2002 23:04

not registered

Glucosamine or chondroitin?

Some reports here have said glucosamine worsens Dupuytren's Contracture. But since glucosamine is routinely combined with chondroitin, is it possible that the culprit is chondroitin, not glucosamine? Note the following from the makers of verapamil (see http://www.pdlabs.net/verapamil.html) --
"It should also be noted that there appears to be a possible correlation between Peyronie's Disease and patients taking chondroitin in compounds such as Glucosamine/Chondroitin for the treatment of certain arthritic or joint disorders.
Chondroitin could contribute to the excess accumulation of collagen. Although the observation is not conclusive, the data gathered to date appears to be more than coincidental."
Would those who reported conditions worsened with glucosamine clarify whether their treatment included chondroitin, and whether they know which of glucosamine and chondroitin is the culprit.

05/17/2002 23:03
Gary Evans

not registered

05/17/2002 23:03
Gary Evans

not registered

Dupuytren~sq~s and

You say you were not told to split. Do you mean splint? If that is what you mean, the nighttime splint has been very important for me. It has been 4 months since I had same surgery (fasciectomy). I have been wearing splint (from therapist) every night and will for another month. My finger was 90 degrees pre-surgury, now it is 0 degrees. Scar is almost gone. My scar was raised for first 50 or 60 days, but has slowly gone down as I have worked the scar.

I went to the therapist twice(once to make the splint), but have done the rest on my own. I am continually exercising hand and finger with the goal of making a fist. At about 45 days, I could make a fist. Best thing that helped me was wrapping fist in elastic gauze(3M product) for ten minutes at a time as often during day as possible. This got easier as swelling went down. I have been playing golf now for about two months with no pain.

05/18/2002 23:35
05/18/2002 23:35
Splint, yes, that is what I should have spelled..

I was told nothing really and it was a really long and serious cut in my hand.. I now have the 3/4 inch scare at bottom of cut and pea size in middle of palm. They are painfull. I took my own stitches out at ten days.. No problem though. That scar at the bottom almost 3/8 wide.. It feels like a burn when I open my hand all the way.. I have always been fit, but after reading the site 30 days is still fresh. I concerned now as the second knuckle on my middle finger does not stretch out,the knuckle joint at he hand does, but the second knuckle.. The finger joint between the first knuckle and the next one was dug into and it is still hard on one side and slightly hard on the other side of the finger... Monday I will call them.. I hope it not too late to buy a splint. I will see what in the drug store..

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