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Can Glucosamine and/or Condritin promote Dupuytrens??
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08/02/2002 23:16

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08/02/2002 23:16

not registered

Dupuytren~sq~s and Gluc/Chon

Boy, have I learned a lot today!!! I have been taking Gluc/Chon for knee arthritis, and started lumps in my hard in May, painful and growing fast, scheduled for surgery Aug 13th. I plan to stop the Gluc/Chon immediately and see what happens. For the first time I feel hopeful! I'll see what happens now....I'll let the readers know what happens...

08/03/2002 23:39
08/03/2002 23:39
Glucosamine & Vitamin C

It took months, but finally my research has paid off concerning the use of Glucosamine and excess doses of vitamin C. I thought of re-posting the notification today, but happy to see the news is getting around. These items are heavy Collagen producers and should be avoided.

It has also come to my attention that soaps, lotions and joint balms currently being promoted contain Glucosamine and perhaps other ingredients detrimental to D/C, such as Collagen.

Please be aware of ingredients.

08/09/2002 23:50
08/09/2002 23:50


I am conducting an unofficial survey in an attempt to gather information with regard to our Dupuytren's problem. Please utilize the following URL to visit the site of the Questionnaire:


Remember: A large amount of responders will provide us with the most clout.

Thank you,


08/09/2002 23:04

not registered

08/09/2002 23:04

not registered

glucosamine & surgery

I too had scheduled surgery for next week. I just learned through this site that the glucosamine/chondroitin I'd been taking over the past year for joint health may be the culprit in significantly accelerating the number and size of nodules (both hands, both feet) during that time. I'm stopping the supplement, cancelling surgery, but don't know whether the lumps already there will go away.

08/09/2002 23:50
08/09/2002 23:50
Ergonomics & Computing.

Julia Stone,

I only now noticed your posting re computing. Go to the following Web-site and poke around. You may find it helpful.


Good Luck & please answer the Questionnaire.

08/10/2002 23:50
08/10/2002 23:50
G/C supplements and Dupuytren~sq~s

Thanks, Leslie, for bringing this to my attention. I had the nodes in both palms for 3 or 4 years, but no contracture. Due to the reported benefits of glucosamine/chondroitin supplements, I began taking them about a year ago. About 6 months later, I began noticing the contracture in my left hand. It progressed rapidly to about 35 degrees and surgery was recommended. My surgery was July 10 and was successful in restoring normality to my hand, however, the contracture has already begun to return. I am no longer taking the supplement.
Will try to post progress or lack of it as time permits.

08/10/2002 23:39
Gary Evans

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08/10/2002 23:39
Gary Evans

not registered

Dupuytrens and Glucosamine/Condritin

What are you doing for therapy? Are you wearing your night time splint every night? Are you exercising fingers in both directions? Is the contraction your experiencing from the surgery/scar tissue or do you think from Dupuytren's? If you are talking July 10th (your surgery) of this year, I can't imagine the contraction from Dupuytren's already.

08/27/2002 23:46

not registered

08/27/2002 23:46

not registered

dupuytrens and glucosamine/condritin

Looking for answers and what a revelation this site is. Been using glucosamin & cong. for a few years. Stoped a couple of months ago and at about that time notices the small nodule and indentation below my ring finger. Then noticed deep pits on the outer side of my wrists. Last couple of days looked at my knees and very deep pits/indentations around my boney knees and elbows. They run for several inches down my arm. Loverly!!! Maybe I can start a new trend. Lots of Swedes in my family tree so the Viking connection is very interesting.

09/27/2002 23:00

not registered

09/27/2002 23:00

not registered

Glucosamine and Dupuytren~sq~s

I believe that taking Glucosamine can trigger Dupuytren's in people with the genetic disposition toward the disease.
Due to a knee injury in Feb 2001 I started taking Glucosamine. In May 2002 I started a small lump in my right palm, by July 2002 it had become several lumps with a cord starting, a plastic surgeon diagnosed Dupuytren's, and scheduled surgery.
Fortunately I found this Forum, educated myself, and stopped the Glucosamine supplements on Aug 3rd, as well as cancelling the surgery.
Guess what! The lumps have stopped growing (or else are growing so slowly I don't notice it) and the intense itching has stopped.
So, if my story will help anyone else, I will be happy.
Oh, I am a woman, age 55. Neither my brothers nor my father have this disease, and I really believe mine was triggered by the Glucosamine supplements.

10/01/2002 23:28
Michael W. Fuller

not registered

10/01/2002 23:28
Michael W. Fuller

not registered

Dorothy: Glusomine

Dorothy: Just read your message. I take Glucosmine for hip arthritis, and it has helped me immensely. I have just been diagonised with Dupoe (oining the popoular terminology is so !#@$% easy, isn't it?).

My decision, based upom my doctor;s visit today (at which time I was initially diagnosed), is to resume ALL excerise with right hand and to continue with my Gluco becaue it helps arthritis.

I shuld mention that I am 64 with a lifetime experience of hard physical exercise.

What is your feedback on this?



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