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Do children inherit Dupuytren's??
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04/28/2000 23:58
04/28/2000 23:58

Do children inherit Dupuytren's??

My ex husband has Dupuytren's and we have two children, a girl aged 8 and a 10 year old boy.

I am told that there is a possibility that they may inherit this from their father. Can anyone offer any help on this?

04/30/2000 23:12
Judy Wilson

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04/30/2000 23:12
Judy Wilson

not registered


I inherited my DC from my mother, although she doesn't have as severe case of it as I do.

06/22/2000 23:30

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06/22/2000 23:30

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heredity in the making

My father was terribly handicapped with severe DC in both
hands for at least the final 10-15 years of his life.
I am one of five siblings, the other four having varying
degrees of DC from severe to beginning stages.

I had the beginning nodules on my left palm and was very
surprised when it disappeared. I was told by a neurologist
at one time that he felt I had the beginning stages in my
feet. The balls of both feet feel"thick" and are painful
at times. But so far I am the only one of five not to get
it in my hands.

Does this sound familiar?

05/04/2005 23:05
The Zipper

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05/04/2005 23:05
The Zipper

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No one in my family ever have this curse. I am the lucky one....not.

05/06/2005 23:39
05/06/2005 23:39

for the record, I have dups in my left pinkie. My father had it in the palms. His mother's hands were terribly crippled and bent in half. They always said it was arthritis but I believe it was also undiagnosed dups.

05/07/2005 23:59
05/07/2005 23:59

You know, you don't always know what is in the past in a family. Great gramma may have had it, and you never heard about it. My minister said today " Oh, my great grandmother had somting like that" I am sure they all thought it was arthritis. Cripling and devestaing deformaty. Ronald Regan had it, Margaret Thatcher still has it. Why , with all the things that get onto television, does this disease get no attention????
I think, it is going to take all of us, to put it out there, to the media. Get attention to it .
It is hereditary. No doubt in my mind. You have to remember that the Vikings went All Over The World. Even into the US. They spread their seed all over the world.

05/08/2005 23:12

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05/08/2005 23:12

not registered


Why do you want this disease to get so much attention? What is the big deal? This is one of the more mild diseases that a person can get. Be happy it isn't cancer.

05/09/2005 23:49
05/09/2005 23:49

I'm with you, I'm tired of everyone asking me what is wrong wih my hand and than answering for me CARPAL TUNNEL! Not many people seem very familiar with it includeing doctors.I had my 15 years of arthritis treatment all along having dupuytrens not even the Rheumatoligists picked up on it. I realized after a very bad foot surgery a foot doctor realized I had something going on. Of course half my family had this same arthritis. I am going into Boston after getting hacked up in R.I. my right hand is beyond repair. I did however finaally get great results replaceing my palm with skin grafts. I'm no longer in pain so at this point n time I'll take it. I wish I found this Doctor first he is beyond any other surgen I have met or heard of.

05/10/2005 23:21

not registered

05/10/2005 23:21

not registered


We always hear the names Reagan and Thatcher as DD recipients. I recently learned that a certain blue eyed crooner named Francis Albert Sinatra had surgery for Dupuytrens back in 1955. Most likely from his northern Italian mother's side as opposed to his Sicilian father's.

05/14/2005 23:49
Gerald Bennett

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05/14/2005 23:49
Gerald Bennett

not registered


Genetic,OK,but from whom,mother or father or both? Our mitochondrial DNA is passed only via the mother,the Y chromosome from Dad.
I'm 83 tomorrow. My DC I've had for ages,but recently it shows signs of accelerating. My father's ancestry is Cornish,my mother's is French. If Norman French that would account for it, as they had Viking origins,and we all know that Cornish are Celts,who also get this nuisance of a disease.
Gerald in Canberra

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epidemiological   Hereditary   pain-in-the-neck   extremity-related   id=1393742006   significantly   contracture   Unfallchirugie   documentos%20manual%2064   male-to-female   dupuytren-online   predisposition   Krause-Bergmann   Intellectuals   Rheumatoligists   Dupuytren   disease   unfortunatelly   predominantly   mitochondrial