Dupuytren Con. in the feet. |
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08/13/2002 23:48
Julienot registered
08/13/2002 23:48
Julienot registered
Foot nodule
Would like opinion of who is more likely to be familiar with DPC on feet, orthopaedic surgeons or podiatrists? My OP surgeon figured out what the bump on my arch was after a cortisone shot (ow!!!) failed to effect any improvement. She has me scheduled for physical therapy (?) but until this gets much worse surgery is out of question esp. after reading the great feedback here--thank you all for contributing. My bump came up suddenly and I suspect it was initiated by trauma--stupid party shoes that overstretched my arch. Now I can't wear the sensible shoes either unless I gouge a bit out of my Birkenstocks. Burke is a Norman surname, as my foot apparently proves.
11/19/2002 23:53
11/19/2002 23:53
dupuytren con in feet
I am a 67 year old female and have dupuytrens in both hands and both feet. Had surgery once never had "contracture" so I suppose the surgeon needed money :>) Currently have about 10 lumps in one hand- 5 in the other and walnut sized lumps under both arches in my feet. As far as I have gone back to ancestry ( 1700's) I have NO Danish/Norwegian connections only Italian/German/Spanish. go figure!
12/06/2002 23:07
12/06/2002 23:07
Hi All I'm moving Dec 26th from Las Vegas to Redmond, WA-Would be curious to know doctors to STAY AWAY FROM who dont seem to know anything about dupuytren's and recommend surgery.
Had surery on hand- does not work as lumps come back in greater amounts as most of you and I have noticed unfortunately after many surgeries!- Is there anyone out there that has an MD in the Seattle area who seems to understand this disease ???
On the positive side...I just got a note from a friend in CANADA who says there seems to be information which leads to doctors being able to do injections in Canada in 2003 and I will keep you all informed as soon as I find out more on this topic of course.
12/06/2002 23:14
Jannot registered
12/06/2002 23:14
Jannot registered
Canada 2003
Miriam, thanks. Please let us know when you hear that these injections will be available in Canada.
12/09/2002 23:57
Leslienot registered
12/09/2002 23:57
Leslienot registered
Just Diagnosed/Seattle Area
My husband has Dupuytren's in his hands and feet and has been suffering with the disease since he was 12. He has very limited use of his hands with growths restricting the use of both thumbs, growths on top of both pointer and middle fingers and the ring and pinky fingers on each hand having 75% curvature. His feet are solid nodules with no instep/arch left at all. I would love to hear as soon as anyone finds out when doctors start the injections in Canada! We will be one of the first in line!
12/09/2002 23:18
Diannnot registered
12/09/2002 23:18
Diannnot registered
Just Diagnosed/Seattle Area
I'am a 43 year old Female. Just Diagnosed last week with DC. Left hand, Middle of palm, point finger, and pinky is curled. Came on fast!!! Both my hands ache and feel heavy. My left shoulder and arm ache. My family doctor diagnosed my shoulder as bersitis. Does any one know if the pain in my left arm and shoulder could be connected with DC??? Is the acheing in my hands normal. Do I have something else going on. Prior to this, Im in perfect health. Never sick. Im taking advil 600mg 3 times a day. The pain wakes me up at night. I have soooo many questions to find out the answers. Does anyone know a good doctor in WA state. I'm real interested in finding out about those injections in Canada.
12/29/2002 23:01
tonynot registered
12/29/2002 23:01
tonynot registered
I am a painter by trade, I can no longer hold a paint brush or any related tool of the trade, I am currently trying to get Disability (SSI) has anyone been successful in this venture? I started getting lumps in my hands and feet over the last two years and it is getting worse, the paint is overwhelming and seems if someone is sticking a knife in my hands and feet daily, non-stop. If you have any information about methods to get disability, please contact me. Every Doctor I have been too tells me that there is not cure and simply tell me to live with it.
06/02/2003 23:41
cyndynot registered
06/02/2003 23:41
cyndynot registered
dupyutrens of the feet
Hi!!! It was very nice to see your message!!!! I'm 39 years old female and first feeling a bump on the bottom of my left foot about 5 years ago and started researching my family history back then and come to find out that a lot of my ancestors had dupyutrens "fibromatosis" is what they diagnosed it at the Dr.s office. I have seen him 3 times because they keep getting bigger! My left foot has 3 nodules the size of almonds/peanutes and the right has nor one the size of a
06/02/2003 23:57
cyndynot registered
06/02/2003 23:57
cyndynot registered
dupyutrens of the feet
Hi!!! It was very nice to see your message!!!! I'm a 39 year old female and I first felt a bump on the bottom of my left foot about 5 years ago and started researching my family history background and came to find out that a lot of my ancestors had dupyutrens "fibromatosis" is what they diagnosed it at the Dr.s office to me. I have seen the dr. 3 times because they keep getting bigger! He told me "not to come back because there is NOTHING that he can do for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My left foot has 3 nodules the size of almonds/peanutes and the right has one the size of a peanut. They hurt like I cannot explain to people!! My dad died with dupyutrens of the feet and hands. He died with both hands closed in a fist. He had it so bad that he had his pinky amputated, due to gaingreen of the finger. I have only been diagnosed with my feet, but these bumps hurt like hell! I found through the dr. of these viscopeds that I put in my shoes and DIG OUT A HOLE in the gels so that my bumps can concave into the hole so there isn't so much pressure. Maybe if people can read about this that it will help someone?! Type to me if you discover anything to insert in your shoes???? I have researched the entire internet and haven't found a thing to help my situation! I think I will design something soon, due to my bumps getting bigget! They say that 95% men get this sweedish etc.. disease.... What is so ironic is that most of the WOMEN in my family HAVE HAD THIS and have suffered so. Type to me! CYNDY IN CALIFORNIA
08/07/2003 23:06
Wim Kroesenot registered
08/07/2003 23:06
Wim Kroesenot registered
Can anyone tell me what DSMO is, and where you can buy it?
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