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Dupuytren Con. in the feet.
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02/23/2004 23:58
02/23/2004 23:58

BARB, Yes, I have noticed cramping in feet , about a month ago. Now I notice when I get up and step on floor , the bottom of feet hurt..Before this, I had about a week of being cold, just couldn't get warm.
I have DC in hands, but have not had surgery....I think I have been aware of feet for about 2 years without even realizing it, as I would often mis-step. or lose balance.

03/07/2004 23:57
03/07/2004 23:57

Hello. I too, have been diagnosed with bersitis in my right hip. They have given me two types of antiinflamatories and 1 steriod that I take for 1 week. It has actually helped a little, but other than that, that's all they said that they could do.

03/07/2004 23:11
miriam lubow

not registered

03/07/2004 23:11
miriam lubow

not registered

getting NA @ Dr Eaton~sq~s

Hi all:
I'm going to have NA in both hands in Jupier-
One schedule April 23rd and the other April 26th-
If any of you will be down there at that time, pls let me know as I shall be alone and glad to have somebody to talk/compare notes with! If you reply to my email I'll give you my cell phone number.
Good luck to you all.
Next stop will be search for the feet situation as both of my feet are involved!

Best wishes to all!

03/17/2004 23:54

not registered

03/17/2004 23:54

not registered

why not NA on feet?

Why can't they do NA on the nodules in the feet? I am just noticing my left foot having problems. I have DC in both hands.

03/17/2004 23:45

not registered

03/17/2004 23:45

not registered

DP in feet

NA is not the procedure for nodules, only used to perforate cords.

Please do some research on your own.

03/27/2004 23:15
03/27/2004 23:15
DP in feet

Make sure you don't have a spur. These can be quite painful and a cortizone injection is one treatment.

05/12/2004 23:03
brenda stone

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05/12/2004 23:03
brenda stone

not registered

bersitis in my right hip

what causes it and how long does it last

05/13/2004 23:05

not registered

05/13/2004 23:05

not registered


If you have a heel spur, the pain is probably the worst in the morning when you get out of bed.
Excercises: (do them every day, while your watching tv or working behind the computer)
- Put your feet flat on the floor and lift your small toes.
- Try to pick up a towel or ball with your toes.
- put a bottle on the floor and roll it with your feet (the outside of your foot). That's a good massage.

- go to a podotherapist. Maybe he or she can give you a god massage and make good footbeds for your shoes

05/23/2004 23:01
andy h

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05/23/2004 23:01
andy h

not registered

Dupuytren~sq~s / Ledderhose - Mayo Clinic advice


About 4 years ago I had surgery in Canada on my ring finger to remove a Dupuytren's cord that had closed up my hand. During the surgery I was warned that this could jump into my other fingers, my feet (ledderhose) and penis (pyrones?). The surgery in my left hand was successful and I regained full use of my hand.

I then developed cords in my left pinky and in both feet. The one in the left foot was the worst so the same surgeon (the one who operated on my left hand) advised surgery on August 7th for my left foot and November for my right foot ... a 3 month waiting period in between.

The August 7th surgery (2003) was painful and I decided not to proceed with the right foot due to the dubious results of the left foot surgery. It appears that I have another ridge in my left foot that is not unlike the ridge I felt before the surgery. It is not clear whether this is another cord or scar tissue from the surgery. Given my great concern for this surgical result in my left foot, I was able through a friend, to attend at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. I was able to visit with their Orthopaedic surgeons and the one I visited is the best orthopaedic surgeon in the world today.

The Mayo Clinic advised that I had cancer in my feet where the cells in the fascia of the skin are dividing too fast and creating this fibrous tissue (Ledderhose and plantar fibromitosis was mentioned) It is not a malignant cancer .. won't spread throughout the body ... this is the good news!!

The advice I received from the Mayo Clinic was as follows and hopefully of benefit to those reading these posts so they do not have to spend the money (approx $5,000 CDN)to get this information:

1.) Delay surgery for as long as possible. There is no guarantee that all the cells can be removed during surgery and if even one cell is missed the growing starts all over again. Delaying surgery also provides for the possibility that another cure can be discovered.
2.) The foot surgery is risky and bloody. One doctor there advised that he would have to be crippled and unable to walk before he would allow anyone to operate on his feet ... he had seen too many bad surgery results.
3.) If the pain becomes too great to bear, the Mayo Clinic will do the surgery. 90 day waiting period.
4.) Take Aleve as a pain killer. It is non-addictive based on studies. There are some cheaper substitutes that are also OK.
5.) I asked about injections and they will not perform them. The danger of injections is that they can destroy the fatty cells in the feet which serve as a cushion. Do not take injections ... they do not work.
6.) I asked about insertion of a mesh during the surgery to replace the missing fascia and they would not do that since it would be very risky to increase infection (another doctor I had recommended this).
7.) The only solution is surgery. There are 2 choices. One choice is to remove all the skin on the bottom of the foot and elminate the cancer from recurring. It is in the skin. The Mayo Clinic will not perform this surgery since it is very painful and has a long recovery period during which time the skin regrows. The second choice is a curved cut on the bottom of the foot through which the cord and cells are removed ... this is the only surgery they are willing to perform at the Mayo Clinic. This surgery has a 30% failure rate and the surgeon must be very skilled at removing ALL the cells. This is not something for a plastic surgeon or similar. The reason for failure is that one cell left behind can start dividing again and the fibrous tissue can then regrow.
8.) Inserts in the shoes are OK if they provide some remedy prior to the surgery. Lots of choices here but I have gone to a podiatrist and had the best inserts made ($400 - 500 for one pair) and you are probably better off buying these off the shelf. I actually found better results with these off-the- shelf ones than the customized ones where they use computers to measure the stress points on your feet. One Mayo Clinic doctor agreed with me by the way. He said ... use your head in these things ... if it makes sense then it probably is good sense.

That's what I can remember from my 2 visits there. I had every test possible and XRays etc. XRays do no show this condition and are a waste of money.

They advised that there has been some links of this disease to epilepsy, diabetes, alcoholism, genetic links to northern Europe, etc. ... but the bottom line is that there is nothing definitive at this point. By the way ... all the tests done at the Mayo did not reveal that I had any of the diseases often cited as being linked to this hideous disease. All the tests revealed that I was very healthy ... blood pressure was 110 / 70 and my only problem was that my HDL (Cholesterol) was too low and they advised exercise to bring it up (lol ... I bought an exercise bike).

I hope this information helps those searching for a cure / remedy to their feet problems.

Best of luck in your efforts.



08/23/2004 23:26
Gerry Widen

not registered

08/23/2004 23:26
Gerry Widen

not registered


Andy, interesting information. I have Dup's in my right palm. I can't lay the hand flat. I can see a cord forming to the base of my ring finger. This has been developing slowing for about 5 years. All in all no great discomfort or inconvenience yet. I have a lump in the middle of my right foot. But it feels different more of a soft lump a little smaller than a grape. Also interesting my LDL is good but my HDL (good cholesterol) is also very low around 30. Is there a link here?

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