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11/07/2003 23:00
Mary Bethnot registered
11/07/2003 23:00
Mary Bethnot registered
milk thistle
Mr. X, You're right. There has been a lot of good information provided about reversing or slowing down dupuytrens. I think we all agree that there is no cure and everything suggested is to help in the overall picture. Our research on healthy liver functions provided information on Milk Thistle Extract (silymarin). John offered good information on soy lecithin under "Natural Approach to DC" and Thomas continued with more on lecithin under "Dupuytrens Diet". Jerry and others have given information on Vitamin C and glucosamine as promoting growth of DC. Dave provided the knowledge of Beta Blockers for hypertension as having a side effect for Peyronnies under "Beta Blocker drugs...". We all need to share our knowledge, and appreciate the many others who have shared theirs.
11/08/2003 23:24
JEHnot registered
11/08/2003 23:24
JEHnot registered
milk thistle
Who's research showed info on milk thistle and liver function, and where can I find that information?? Thanks
11/08/2003 23:11
Mary Bethnot registered
11/08/2003 23:11
Mary Bethnot registered
Milk thistle extract
JEH, I first learned of milk thistle extract to promote a healthy liver at our local General Nutrition Center (GNC). On their instore computer they can pull up various vitamins and supplements that are liver enhancers. Of all that apply however, milk thistle apeared to be the best by far. It is also called silymarin. It is a liver anti-oxidant that aids the liver in not absorbing harmful materials. If you do a few searches you will have plenty of sites come up. Even though many are sites for selling the product, I have found useful info on those too. What I have read about it is very impressive. If you purchase some, read the label. I originally purchased some for my husband that also contained extra Vit. C. After learning from Jerry that DC sufferers need to avoid extra Vit. C, I then went back and they did have some without the Vit. C. I have even seen it in some regular grocery stores, but it usually had the extra Vit. C. Let me know if you have any trouble finding out more. Good luck.
11/12/2003 23:23
Mr. Xnot registered
11/12/2003 23:23
Mr. Xnot registered
radio frequency
Was just reading about the ArthroCare company that makes instruments for repairing damaged joints. These scalpals use radio frequency energy to dissolve unneeded tissue with precision, while mimimizing damage to healthy tissue nearby. Do hand doctors think there may be a future application here for Dup?
11/12/2003 23:44
Ground Controlnot registered
11/12/2003 23:44
Ground Controlnot registered
Much to learn my young Patawan
Ground Control To Mr. X:
Just getting American Surgeons to consider the idea that a single option such as NA is a valid alternative is radical change enough for the moment. Maybe once they get the hang of actual change, they'll explore wiz-bang stuff for the cases where traditional surgery is needed.
11/12/2003 23:31
Mr. Xnot registered
11/12/2003 23:31
Mr. Xnot registered
Patawan speaks
How right you are. :)
02/27/2004 23:36
EFSnot registered
02/27/2004 23:36
EFSnot registered
Definition of NA please.
02/28/2004 23:54
Randy H.not registered
02/28/2004 23:54
Randy H.not registered
Watch and Learn
Here you go. Watch the video:
06/05/2004 23:17
MICAnot registered
06/05/2004 23:17
MICAnot registered
Dupuytren~sq~s syndrome
i am living in australia. my mother has been recently diagnosed as having Dupuytren's syndrome and her doctor has said that the only cure available is surgery. I have been reading on this forum about NA (Needle aponevrotomy). What is this may have some more information in regards to this. Is this an alternative to surgery?
06/05/2004 23:54
Benton Bainnot registered
06/05/2004 23:54
Benton Bainnot registered
Dupuytren~sq~s contrature
Dupuytren's contracture, I may have a cure for this problem. By symtoms that are listed for Dupuytren's contracture this is probably what I had. I thought that I just had arthritis in my knukle and fingers. But by eating fresh Aloe vera every morning I can now use my hand again and the fingers do not curl up. Sincerely, Benton Bain
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