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Pilot with Dupuytrens
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10/26/2005 23:11

not registered

10/26/2005 23:11

not registered


Well put Tolucca. Wolfgang you have been a great source of knowledge and help.

10/27/2005 23:42
10/27/2005 23:42

Jut wanted to tellyo all that SOMETIMES there IS not alternative ut surgery.
If DC is recurring very fast like in my own cse every six months then Dr Eaton willsuggest the traditional surgery.

I have three finger affected in my left hand now-

Has anyone had this same experience.?
I'm very scared after readmg all the posts about flares etc1

I am also NOT a candidate for rafdiation therapy.

I am very afraid of what lies ahead for me. I'm 70 years old now.
This forum has helped me a lot and that's how I found the good Dr Eaton who has perforned NA on me three times but tells me now it's time for traditinal surgery.
I go on January 3rd and I'll keep you all posted as to the results.
I live near Seattle WA so I'll go to the University of WA using Dr Trumble who has a reputation of being the best CHS in the NW.
Good luck to you all, my fellow sufferers!

10/27/2005 23:19

not registered

10/27/2005 23:19

not registered

Repeat of info for newcomers !

Dear Miriam,

My thoughts and prayers will be with you. Remember, there are people who have had successful surgeries for their DC. This website gets the worst case scenerios.


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