Visit and treatment by Dr.Eaton Jupiter Florida |
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11/24/2003 23:40
Mortnot registered
11/24/2003 23:40
Mortnot registered
Thanks to DR. Eaton for bringing this technique to the states. I believe it will only be a matter of time before this practice spreads across the country.
I also must comment on the pleasurable absence of posting by Sean/Gary. Maybe the introduction of NA is too much for him to handle or his services were no longer needed!
11/24/2003 23:15
Mr. Xnot registered
11/24/2003 23:15
Mr. Xnot registered
Sean/Gary is probably on his way to Florida to futilely picket the doctor's office. His sign, sadly, would read, "I'm so upset that NA is available in USA to help DC patients!"
11/25/2003 23:05
George Barbarownot registered
11/25/2003 23:05
George Barbarownot registered
Spread the GOOD NEWS !
I just returned from the local hand surgeon's office. I left printouts of testimony here and photos before and after needle procedure. I had been to see him twice and he would not discuss the needle procedure; but, insisted that I go through the four hour operation with subsequent splinting for weeks then physical therapy. i left the information with the physical therapist and she asked if it was for the doctor. I replied " I would like to think that he would be interested. In one way I hope that Dr.Eaton will be favored for having done the groundwork; but, i also believe that we can help others throughout the USA by letting other hand surgeons know that there is a much better way. I would like to think that it is ignorance rather than greed that motivates them to promate the four hour surgery.
11/25/2003 23:23
11/25/2003 23:23
When to go?
These reports sound great!
Does Dr. Eaton reccommend waiting until the palm does not lay flat on the table before going fofr NA?
11/25/2003 23:40
Bengtnot registered
11/25/2003 23:40
Bengtnot registered
DC Needle Aponevrotomy
Anybody know if there are any doctors in Sweden practicing this method.
ready for my fourth surgery /Bengt
11/25/2003 23:30
Randy H. not registered
11/25/2003 23:30
Randy H. not registered
Surgeon~sq~s Estimate of time - NOT MINE
Four hours? That's excessive. Either you have a whole hand worth of highly contracted Dups, or your surgeon is planing on having lunch while you're on the table, or perhaps take in a flick. As far as the greed issue, lets do the math. Eaton is charging about $700 for basic NA as opposed to about $2,000 for his part of traditional surgery. NA takes him about 30 to 45 minutes in his own office. Surgery requires him to travel to and from the hospital, do his prep, and spend about an hour carefully tearing up you hand. In all, I'd guess he invests about two hours of his time per surgery. In both cases he will get about $1,000 per hour. (Not bad work if you can get it)
Those who have different numbers, please correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like surgeons have nothing to loose financially from offering NA. I would guess therefore that (1) tradition, (2) the "not invented here" syndrome as well as (3) ignorance all play a part.
The good news is that this site will eventually overwhelm Eaton with more business than he can handle. In due course his associate will want to share in his success. The obstacles stated objections will disappear.
11/26/2003 23:27
Natnot registered
11/26/2003 23:27
Natnot registered
Dr. Eaton
Jerry Ginsberg reported that his Eaton performed NA cost out of pocket was $15.00 per hand. Insurance covered the token balance.
11/29/2003 23:11
Betsynot registered
11/29/2003 23:11
Betsynot registered
Dr. Eaton
I am so thrilled to be reading these reports about Dr. Eaton. I am hearing directly from other people who got his name from this board and have had successful experiences with his procedure, but they are not posting to the board. It isn't even 3 months since he performed the procedure on me. I am doing great.I am so happy for all of us who suffer from this disease.
11/30/2003 23:42
kaufmann mireillenot registered
11/30/2003 23:42
kaufmann mireillenot registered
needle procedure
hello i come from france and i have had two surgeons on my letft hand in 4 years. i was said that needle procedure is not available on palm disease.. is it true or does my doctor want to make business on me and made a new surgery on my hand which have again a nodule at the end of the palm scare.
11/30/2003 23:30
George Barbarownot registered
11/30/2003 23:30
George Barbarownot registered
THANK YOU Betsy ! ! !
A very large Thank You to Betsy; as she is responsible for putting many of us in touch with Dr.C.Eaton in Jupiter,FL.
The results border on miraculous; particularly when compared with the old technique which involved incision on the palm and zigzag incisions on each finger. This would be followed by several days in a splint and then physical therapy to regain use of fingers.
Dr.Eaton did my right hand ring and little fingers; and, about an hour later, I was using that hand to hold my fork and eat lunch. No real pain or discomfort !
See photos and video at
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