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Visit and treatment by Dr.Eaton Jupiter Florida
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12/02/2003 23:46

not registered

12/02/2003 23:46

not registered

Another successful NA by Dr. Eaton

First, I'd like to second George's thanks to Betsy for first making me aware of Dr. Eaton through this forum.

I had a NA on the 5th finger of my right hand on Nov 24th. It was pretty involved this time, since I was 170 degrees contracted and it was a recurrence following a NA in 2001. There was lots of cord to cut- he went through 6 needles (bent and/or dulled) and it took 30-40 minutes. My finger is almost completely straight now, with only a ~10 degree bend left in the PIP joint. I can now put my palm on the table and type with all 5 fingers (if I can remember how).

He's posted the pics at:

Mine are the pics at the bottom captioned "Needle Aponeurotomy for recurrence two years after right small finger needle procedure...)

12/05/2003 23:27
Walt Stagner

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12/05/2003 23:27
Walt Stagner

not registered

I~sq~m thrilled

Can't tell you all what a pleasure it is to read these posts. Dr. Eaton contacted me only 4 months or so ago for a copy of my NA cd. It's been all downhill from there. "Our" job isn't finished yet. We need a few more NA practitioners here in the US. East Coast, Midwest, West Coast minimum. In the meantime, I'm glad that Dr. Eaton can reap the rewards of this. When's his earliest appointment now....Spring 2004?

12/07/2003 23:36
miriam lubow

not registered

12/07/2003 23:36
miriam lubow

not registered

Dr Eaton/appointments

I called his office last week- He is out of town till mid week.
You can get an appointment in JANUARY of 2004 !!!
I'm headed down there as soon as he contacts me-
I've sent him pixs of my hands via email
Anyone else going?
Happy Holidays,

12/08/2003 23:26
12/08/2003 23:26

dr. eaton

Just back from Florida - had NA on the 4th and 5th fingers on my right hand yesterday. After 45 minutes and 4 needles I can lay my hand flat again. Only minor soreness and stiffness today but full range of motion. 20 hours post surgery I'm back at work. I'll know more in 2/3 weeks, but the early returns are terrific.

12/08/2003 23:00
Randy H.

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12/08/2003 23:00
Randy H.

not registered



Congrats on your success! Please let us know how you're doing in a few weeks. Also, I'm glad you spell your name the way you do. Otherwise there would be some very confused people on this site.

12/08/2003 23:49
12/08/2003 23:49
Treatment by Dr.Eaton

Yes, I will be treated by Dr. Eaton on January 19 at 10 am. Mayby I will see someone from this forum there.

12/10/2003 23:07
Donald Westin

not registered

12/10/2003 23:07
Donald Westin

not registered


Dr.Eaton is a wonderful hand dr. Why go to Paris when such a good dr is here in the USA?

12/10/2003 23:58
12/10/2003 23:58
How to access Dr Eaton web site

Does Dr Eaton have an e-mail address?

12/12/2003 23:12

not registered

12/12/2003 23:12

not registered

How to access Dr Eaton web site

I am a newcomer to this site and I was excited to read of Dr Eaton's needle procedure. I am 58, and some years ago had conventional surgery in South Africa (my home country) to the little finger of my right hand, together with the slpints, discomfort and months of post-operative therapy. Now the index finger of the same hand needs attention, but I won't go through surgery again. Does anyone out there know if there are other Dr Eatons in countries outside the USA????? Help please..............

12/12/2003 23:40
12/12/2003 23:40
How to access Dr Eaton web site


At the moment, besides Dr. Eaton NA is only performed in Canada and Europe. Please visit the following site for a list of NA practitioners.

While there; please avail yourself of the valuable information that will help you through your dilemma.



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