Vitamin C, Magnets |
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01/27/2003 23:03
Johnnot registered
01/27/2003 23:03
Johnnot registered
Vitamin C, Magnets
I was diagnosed with DC two years ago. No idea what caused it, but if I had to guess I would say too much Vitamin C. I was a Linus Pauling poster boy - up to 20 grams a day if I even suspected a germ in the air. I stopped the Vitamin C right away (thanks to this forum), but the aching and pain in my left hand persisted.
About a year later, in my persistence to try anything, I noticed a claim somewhere on the Internet that a woman had been helped by "magnetic therapy." I immediately started adhearing to my hand with surgical tape several small 1,000 guass magnets I purchased from Sharper Image. I taped the magnets over the node in my left hand when I went to bed. I was amazed in that almost immediately the aching and pain subsided to the point that my hand almost felt normal again. I subsequently purchased a couple of quarter size "neodimium" magnets and a magnet ring over the Internt. I spent about $25 for the two magnets, and I think $12.95 for the ring.
You might think that the old placebo effect was kicking in here. Not so. My wife, God bless her for her open-mindedness, continually laughed at and ridiculed me for stupidly taping magnets on my hand every night. After such repeated assaults, I backed off on the magnets altogether suspecting that perhaps I was going a little overboard. Boom. About four days later I was on an outing and for the first time in months I felt my hand aching and throbbing. Depression set in as I figured this idiotic disease was beginning to take hold. About two hours later it dawned on me that perhaps this reaction could be related to my stopping the use of magnets. When I returned that afternoon I taped them back on, and the honest truth is that the pain and aching once again subsided and have not returned.
I don't wish to make more of this than I should. I still have a lump in my left hand, and if I press down on a table I can still feel something in my hand that should not be there. Nevertheless, the difference in my particular situation is like night and day.
I am not sure if others have or could have the same reaction to magnets that I had, but would be curious if anyone else has.
P.S. I don't have any financial interest in anything magnetic, other that the $40 I invested to purchase them.
01/27/2003 23:07
01/27/2003 23:07
Interesting information John. I am curious if others have pain with DC. From most of the messages I have read in the last three weeks, those who have nodules in their hand seem to experience some pain. While those with "dermal pits" have no pain or very little. Does anyone have information of which form of DC is the most prevelant? The nodules or the "dermal pits"? The 4 or 5 people that I have known with DC had "dermal pits", contraction and no pain.
01/28/2003 23:42
01/28/2003 23:42
I had nodules (lumps) in my left palm for many years, ring and little finger gradually contracting to about 60 degrees. What eventually got me to see a surgeon was the aching at night, would wake up at 2 in the morning, I had no problems during the day. Had a fasciectomy in July last year and so far all fine. My reading of the situation is that the thickening of the palmar fascia knots up the tendons, resulting in the contraction, and can also affect he nerves, hence the pain, so it depends on whether the nerves are affected or not. This is also the reason that the surgery is so tricky, removing the damaged fascia without damaging the nerves or tendons. Just my thoughts.
Regarding magnets, I tried this on my right hand, which also is developing a nodule, in an attempt to slow the progression. This did not seem to help at all, although there was no pain, so cannot comment on that.
01/28/2003 23:01
01/28/2003 23:01
There are many misdiagnosed cases of Dupuytren’s since similarities exist between other diseases of the hands, i.e.:
Osteoarthritis of PIP, DIP and base of the thumb joints; (Bouchard).
Basal joint of the thumbs (Heberden)
There is also a possibility that a combination of diseases is the culprit and pain may be a bi-product of an ailment other than D/C.
01/28/2003 23:40
Sean,not registered
01/28/2003 23:40
Sean,not registered
Jerry, I think you are exactly correct. Just because a person has DC, doesn't mean that there are often other problems. Doesn't it seem that there are more complaints of pain from those with nodules. Perhaps these other problems triggered the DC or visa-versa.
01/28/2003 23:50
sean,not registered
01/28/2003 23:50
sean,not registered
Just because a person has DC, doesn't mean that there are not often other problems, also.
03/13/2003 23:15
03/13/2003 23:15
Vit C & Magnets
WRT the Vit C -- I came down with a virus, about 6 weeks ago, and was out of the herb that I normally take for it. I live in the country; it was Saturday night; nowhere to get any of the herb until Monday morning. So, I mega-dosed on Vit C as part of an alternative therapy for controlling the virus (standard UR-type virus) -- 1 to 2 grams every hour. Within four days, I developed a nodule on the palm of my right hand, near the joint of a finger that has slowly been contracting over the last couple years. The nodule was not painful in itself, but the area was tender to the touch. I assumed that it was connected to my arthritis and was not too alarmed about it.
I continued taking the Vit C at a reduced (but higher than normal) rate of 2 grams/day.
Two weeks ago, a second, larger, nodule appeared on the same hand, along the same tendon, but almost in the center of the palm. This nodule was extremely painful when it first appeared, and is much more sensitive to touch than the first one. I saw a very reputable doc where I live, and he diagnosed the Dupuytren's. He's schooled in Western Med, so he really had no info on any of the herbal meds that I use, so I quit taking everything, including vits, until my Oriental Med doc and I get a chance to talk in detail.
I suspect that the mega-dosing of Vit C caused the sudden onset of the nodules (not the diesease, which I have apparently had symptoms of for at least two years, but I'd thought them related to my arthritis).
WRT MAGNETS -- I have two of the expensive variety, from the company in Japan that has independent sales reps located in the US -- itnever occurred to me to try them for this -- I will try them out nightly and post the results periodically.
12/24/2005 23:11
12/24/2005 23:11
magnets for dc
the north pole is used in Germany and Japan to reduce scar tissue. this has worked for me. Lee
12/24/2005 23:05
Jimnot registered
12/24/2005 23:05
Jimnot registered
pain ? magnets ?
Just found out a few weeks ago I have DD in my right hand. Very depressing and sucks !!! I have slight contracture of little finger, 4 nodes with 1 being pretty big and 1 dimple with another starting I belive. I also have some mild pain next to the nodules. Mild itching once in awhile also. It seems the pain is usually when I'm not using my hand, like when sitting around before bed or late at night it will wake me. They are just slight stabbing pains is the best way to describe them. I agree, the nodules seem to be the cause of the pain or at least they are pressing on nerves which are not happy. My nodules seem to get bigger at times and then will shrink. I have a physical job that requires the use of both hands and believe they get irritated by the pressure that's put on them alot. I've talked to my boss about trying to do the jobs that are not so demanding of the hands but it's kind of a touchy subject.(no pun intended) I have also cut way back on my drinking and am heading towards quitting altogether. This diesease sucks bad. I'm going to go home and tape a magnet to my hand tonight, what the heck !!! Jim
12/25/2005 23:36
12/25/2005 23:36
Reply to Jim Knight
Sorry to hear of your developing Dupuytrens.
In order to make an educated decision about treatment, be sure to check out information about Needle Aponeurotomy (N.A.)! It's a minimally invasive non-surgical procedure which breaks the cords and releases the bent fingers. Many people have had excellent results with this procedure.
A good source of easy to understand information is :
Also see the Updated List of M.D.'s offering N.A., and you'll find more useful websites and information, too.
Best of luck to you!
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