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Hyaluronidase injection
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02/25/2014 22:33
02/25/2014 22:33
Hyaluronidase injection

Hi all,
I want to be cautious in saying this, yesterday I had an injection of Hyaluranidase Brand name Vitrase in the nodules on both my feet. AND what an amazing difference!!! The feeling of thickness in my left foot is completely gone and in the right foot the feeling is gone in a line down to my toes (following the plantar fascia line). The Dr who did this used an ultrasound to target the middle of the nodule and also to check the balls of my feet. What he discovered in my case is fibromas in the balls of my right foot that are not connected to plantar fascia. So what they are is puzzling but I think that is why the "thick" feeling is still in my right foot. Right now my feet feel better than they have since this whole thing started...like my "old" feet!!! Even with the tenderness from the injection.

Below is my history--with the last chapter above. I am really excited. I have not be on my feet much today as I am giving them a couple of days to recover, so I can't yet testify to the pain level when I am up on my feet. BUT I think it will be greatly reduced. At this point I would do this over radiation, knowing what I know now will post more as the healing progresses.

I have had dupuytrens for 30 years and my Ledderhose just started 3 or so years ago.

An update on my feet. I had radiation on my ledderhose in 2011 and have had pain increasing since that time. At this time I am in a wheelchair at least part of the day. I can be up for an hour or two and if it is longer when I get off my feet the pain is intense. My pain is not as much in the nodules in my arches, but more an all over feeling of pain and mostly in the balls of my feet (where I have nodules also). There is also a feeling of an extreme thickening of the balls of my feet. When Dr Seegenschmiedt did the radiation he extended my zone up into the base of my toes because I had a place that felt like it could be a nodule there, even though he had never seen that before.

    02/25/2014 22:51
    02/25/2014 22:51
    Re: Hyaluronidase injection

    Yeah Penny!!! You did it! So glad you gave it a go, and that things look promising! I personally don't think you had anything to lose in trying this procedure and from what I've read and have heard this may be an answer for many LD patients.

    We will be watching for your continued posts and expecting and hoping for continued success!


      02/27/2014 01:17
      02/27/2014 01:17
      Re: Hyaluronidase injection

      Hi all,
      I want to be cautious in saying this, yesterday I had an injection of Hyaluranidase Brand name Vitrase in the nodules on both my feet. AND what an amazing difference!!! The feeling of thickness in my left foot is completely gone and in the right foot the feeling is gone in a line down to my toes (following the plantar fascia line). The Dr who did this used an ultrasound to target the middle of the nodule and also to check the balls of my feet. What he discovered in my case is fibromas in the balls of my right foot that are not connected to plantar fascia. So what they are is puzzling but I think that is why the "thick" feeling is still in my right foot. Right now my feet feel better than they have since this whole thing started...like my "old" feet!!! Even with the tenderness from the injection.

      Below is my history--with the last chapter above. I am really excited. I have not be on my feet much today as I am giving them a couple of days to recover, so I can't yet testify to the pain level when I am up on my feet. BUT I think it will be greatly reduced. At this point I would do this over radiation, knowing what I know now will post more as the healing progresses.

      Good for you Penny.

      I would like to know how you came across this procedure. I have done a little research on the net for it. It seems to be used primarily in cosmetic procedures. I would also like to know where it was done and what the cost would be..also is there any data to support it.

      I hope the early positive signs continue for you and that you can throw the wheelchair in the skip....please keep us posted

      Many thanks


        02/27/2014 10:26
        02/27/2014 10:26
        Re: Hyaluronidase injection

        I first heard about this when Christl (from forum) whom I met in Germany told me about Gary's Ledderhose disease blog. He had done an interview with the Dr. who did my shot (not sure about sharing names here) anyway I will say that this Dr has been doing this for around 18 years and has done many people and has had really good results from what I was told and after doing this I believe it. Time will tell but right now I wish I had done this first!!! If you search for the blog you should find it easily. If not I will send you a message.

          02/27/2014 10:41
          02/27/2014 10:41
          Re: Hyaluronidase injection

          As far as cost, I do not have a break down on that yet, as I had other things done at the same time and don't have a statement yet. However I do know it is substantially less than Xiaflex.

            02/27/2014 17:03
            02/27/2014 17:03
            Re: Hyaluronidase injection

            very interesting...

            I assume this is the link referred to - http://ledderhose.blogspot.co.uk/2013/08...ddie-davis.html

              02/27/2014 18:33
              02/27/2014 18:33
              Re: Hyaluronidase injection

              I first heard about this when Christl (from forum) whom I met in Germany told me about Gary's Ledderhose disease blog. He had done an interview with the Dr. who did my shot (not sure about sharing names here) anyway I will say that this Dr has been doing this for around 18 years and has done many people and has had really good results from what I was told and after doing this I believe it. Time will tell but right now I wish I had done this first!!! If you search for the blog you should find it easily. If not I will send you a message.

              Thanks Penny,

              .....very interesting..


                03/01/2014 18:58
                03/01/2014 18:58
                Re: Hyaluronidase injection

                The doctor is quoting 8 to 10 patients a year over 28 years with a 95 percent success rate.....impressive stuff!!..if this is the case should this be listed as a treatment option?

                I am a little surprised that with those numbers there does nt seem to be many or if any other testimonials on this forum....If any of you out there have had this treatment please post your story......good or otherwise.......reading the interview it seems that the guy has Significant knowledge.


                  03/02/2014 03:56
                  03/02/2014 03:56
                  Re: Hyaluronidase injection

                  It sounds as if a podiatrist has done quite a lot, thinking through the science, searching for drugs sold for another purpose to use off-label, and then treating patients over many years.

                    03/02/2014 11:22
                    03/02/2014 11:22
                    Re: Hyaluronidase injection

                    I hesitated for a long time (too long) to get this done (as least feeling that way at this point). This was the first doctor that I didn't feel like I had to "teach" about the disease. He was even already informed on the Tenex procedure which means he keeps up with things and he had already decided (like I had) that long term Tenex may not be the best option--too much possible aggravation to the fibromas.

                    I hesitated because there was so little said here and others didn't seem to be talking about it. My feet keep feeling better, now the thick feeling on both feet is gone. Right now it is still tender where the shot was injected but otherwise it is amazing. The pain level has decreased significantly, I still haven't given them a real work out...but will soon.

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                      patient-interviews   fibroma   experience   fibromas   nodules   results   disease   adipose-derived   Ledderhose   information   patients   injection   southtexaspodiatrist   procedure   feeling   progression   injections   treatment   progressing…might   Hyaluronidase