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Yoga and Dupuytrens |
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06/30/2024 11:13
06/30/2024 11:13
Re: Yoga and Dupuytrens
I have had Dupuytrens for 21 years. I have had fingers amputated and many surgeries. As of today, I only have my index fingers straight, the other fingers are contracted into my palm. My thumbs and index fingers are the only functional fingers I have. Yet, I do yoga every day in a local yoga studio. I credit the incredible teachers who have taught me how to modify my poses. Many poses are done on forearms instead of hands. Downdog is easily done on forearms. I've been an avid yogi since 2010 and my hands have not stopped me. It can be done!
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Dupuytrens transitioning theoretically indentations pre-existing practitioner beneficial modification undiagnosed connection fingers modifications definitely self-diagnosed particularly recently osteoporosis suggestions continue positions