2 weeks post RT |
11/02/2015 23:19
11/02/2015 23:19
2 weeks post RT
It's been a couple of weeks since I received RT in Hamburg. I had both hands treated, but neither foot although I have Ledderhose in both. No dramatic changes in the hands. I have noticed that when doing certain actions that involve holding that hands in closed position a lot, there will be stiffness when trying to flatten them out. It's almost like my whole palms and fingers are tight. But then after a minute or so of wiggling fingers and repeated opening/closing etc, they are back to loose. I wouldn't describe this as stretching really. I've heard stretching is bad. Anyway, I still pass the tabletop test even when they are in the tight phase like I describe above. Hopefully this tightness is not the beginning of contraction. I have no cords in the fingers that I can tell. After sitting at the computer typing, my fingers seem very loose and I don't feel tightness when doing the tabletop test. I guess one thing I'm learning recently about the disease is that there are not only nodes and cords, but also general tightness in not obviously affected parts of the palm. It seems like this tightness is worse than before the radiation. As far as the nodes and cords go, it seems like they are somewhat improved, with less pain and itching, but hard to say for sure. Interestingly, it seems my feet have improved noticeably. I never had any functional deficit, but had sporadic random sharp pains in the nodes. I've felt almost none of that lately.