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04/17/2003 23:45
Fred Adcock

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04/17/2003 23:45
Fred Adcock

not registered


I notice that the "gpnotebook" site states that "it has been observed that allopurinol may be associated with resolution of the contracture.Is anyone aware of anyone using this medication for DC. I believe it is a drug that is effective in the treatment of Gout.

04/21/2003 23:58
Mary Beth & Richard

not registered

04/21/2003 23:58
Mary Beth & Richard

not registered


Sorry to repost same topic, we have just read info
on allopurinal also. Did not find it on the website you
cited, and unfortunately didn't notate it when we saw it. The symptoms of gout and dupuytens have a lot in
common, maybe that's something to research.
Good luck,
Mary Beth and

04/23/2003 23:33
Mary Beth & Richard

not registered

04/23/2003 23:33
Mary Beth & Richard

not registered


Where did you learn about allopurinol, please advise.
Thanks a lot. Mary Beth & Richard

01/26/2004 23:11

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01/26/2004 23:11

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I just returned from having needle aponevrotomy done by Dr. Eaton. I had a PIP constriction of 47 degrees my left pinky. Just two small shots to numb my palm and finger, some painless probing with a needle, and my finger were pulled back straight. A quick visit to the physical therapist next door and my night splint was done. Dr. Eaton prescribed twenty 300mg allopurinol sig 1 daily. He said it might help prevent a reoccurrence of my constriction.

11/03/2004 23:39
Don Westin

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11/03/2004 23:39
Don Westin

not registered


I am interested in allopurinol. Does anyone know if it has major side effects? Is anyone taking it for DD?

11/03/2004 23:20
B. Henderson

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11/03/2004 23:20
B. Henderson

not registered


My husband has been taking allopurinol for some years, prescibed for recurring bouts of gout. No side affects,and the gout is well controlled. However he has Dupuytrens in both hands- one has had succesful surgery and it hasn't recurred in that hand. The other hand has got progressively worse. So the allopurinol hasn't prevented or improved the untreated hand.

04/24/2006 23:23

not registered

04/24/2006 23:23

not registered

ALLOPURINOL - should i or should i not?

my doctor is recommending for me to take it. i've read about this drug many months back, but i have been resisting or hesitant to do it because of the possible side effects.

can you folks who have tried it tell me if i should take it? does it really help prevent gout attacks? and what about those side effects? should i break a 300 mg. into 3 pieces and just take 1/3 tablet each day to check out my body tolerance? what if i take the 300 mg. on the first day?

any kind of information would be very very welcome.

i need to make a decision as my gout and the residual pain has been there for months.


04/28/2006 23:38
Wayne Vogen

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04/28/2006 23:38
Wayne Vogen

not registered


I have been taking this medication for 10 years. Absolutely no side effects for me. It prevents gout. I also have Duyputrens, and I see no coorelation. I would advise that you take the Allopurinol and see what happens.

recommending   coorelation   constriction   interested   medication   unfortunately   information   aponevrotomy   effects   progressively   controlled   prescribed   allopurinol   Allopurinal   gpnotebook   Dupuytrens   Duyputrens   contracture   reoccurrence   Absolutely