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dupuytren's disease
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10/30/2005 23:49

not registered

10/30/2005 23:49

not registered


I've had 2 N.A. this year, and just finished physical therapy. The PIPs are boogered up, I'm at 20 degrees on one and 50 degrees on the other. 52 y.o. female. Met an older gentleman coming out of 2 open surgeries. He stated that all 7 of his siblings have D.C., and he watched his older sister have 5 surgeries, and so he waited. He waited until about 80 y.o. I was surprised at how successful the surgery appeared on the one hand that had headled. The one month old surgical procedure had stitches and was still curled, but you could tell that a lot of tissue was removed, even though the stitches did not extend much beyond the palm, except into the fingers.

    10/30/2005 23:07
    Maria Moore

    not registered

    10/30/2005 23:07
    Maria Moore

    not registered

    Pain in arm

    Thank you Wolfgang. That is exactly what I suspect. All the MDs I see here in Los Angeles say there is no correlation, but I can't believe that. I am thinking of visiting Paris and having the NA procedure done on my palm Do you think that could aleviate the constricted arm veins if that is my problem? What did you do about your constricted veins? How did you verify that is what you have?
    After everything I've read, I don't think I would do the surgery. It sounds like NA is a better option.


      10/31/2005 23:54
      Wolfgang Wach

      not registered

      10/31/2005 23:54
      Wolfgang Wach

      not registered

      constricted veins

      Hi Maria,

      Stenosis, i.e. constriction, of the arm's vein can be diagnosed but unfortunately there is not much you can do about it. Under normal conditions somewhat constricted veins hardly cause trouble, if any. Only when you operate the hand the blood cannot flow back in enough quantity and your hand swells. In this case holding up the hand and specific massages can help to relieve the hand (the first 2 nights after surgery I had my hand tied up in the air, not really convenient). Or avoid possibly surgery.

      From your post I wasn't sure whether you are having too much or too little blood in your hand. Of course, also an arteria can be squeeezed and limit the flow into the hand.

      The NA procedure will help getting your finger straight but it does not remove the nodule or cords. Likely it will continue to grow at the same rate as before. Therefore I am afraid that NA might not relieve your arm's pain. I guess you are reading the thread "Neck/back/numb fingers". Your case sounds a little similar.


        10/31/2005 23:28
        Maria Moore

        not registered

        10/31/2005 23:28
        Maria Moore

        not registered


        Thanks again Wolfgang,
        That is great information. Not exactly what I wanted to hear, but I it certainly makes sense. My fingers are okay for now, it's the nodules I thought I could get rid of. I want to read what you mentioned, Neck, back, fingers. Where can I find it?

          11/01/2005 23:46
          Wolfgang Wach

          not registered

          11/01/2005 23:46
          Wolfgang Wach

          not registered


          Maria, I was refering to one of the topics of this forum. Sorry about the confusion!


            11/01/2005 23:51
            Wolfgang Wach

            not registered

            11/01/2005 23:51
            Wolfgang Wach

            not registered

            more topics


            maybe the link that Randy mentioned under "dc and extreme shoulder-clavical pain" is also of interest for you



              11/16/2005 23:46

              not registered

              11/16/2005 23:46

              not registered


              Is stretching the hands bad for Dupuytrens?

                11/17/2005 23:59

                not registered

                11/17/2005 23:59

                not registered

                Long term

                Back to the topic "long term"....I just passed my 24 months since I had NA with Dr. Eaton. My finger remains straight

                  12/01/2005 23:59
                  Stage One

                  not registered

                  12/01/2005 23:59
                  Stage One

                  not registered

                  NA: long term

                  Hi, I had NA in Nov 2003 to straighten my 30 degree right
                  "pinkie." To date there has been some relapse (two years.)
                  I anticipate a return visit for NA over the next 1-2 years.
                  Time will tell. I have no symptoms; but, anticipate gradual contracture of an existing chord asociated with my
                  right "pinky." Interestingly, no other tissues have manifested with "problems" in the last 8 years. I saw
                  Dr. Badois and will rturn to his care for follow up unless
                  he refers me else where. Why? because he is a very experienced member of the Lariboisiere staff. There are
                  other Lariboisiere staff members on the list. All are
                  competent NA practioners. Do due diligence; make a choice.
                  You won't be disappointed. Send pictures for a consult.
                  Do it!

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                    contracture   constricture   disappointed   surgery   constricted   Lariboisiere   shoulder-clavical   nodules   unfortunately   information   dupuytren~sq~s   Wolfgang   fingers   stretching   encapsulation   Dupuytrens   Interestingly   surgeries   disease   complications