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Ever Heard of Ledderhose nodules going away?
09/09/1999 23:51
Barbara Grim

not registered

09/09/1999 23:51
Barbara Grim

not registered

Ever Heard of Ledderhose nodules going away?

I've had nodules in both feet for the last ten years. Recently a nodule appeared on my little finger. At about the same time both lumps in my arches began to grow smaller and are only a small fraction of the size they were. Is this totally unheard of or can the nodules decrease in size on their own?

09/27/1999 23:30
Al Horcher

not registered

09/27/1999 23:30
Al Horcher

not registered

disappearing Lederhosen

No, Barbara, the nodule on each of my feet shows no sign of disappearing. Nodule on one foot much larger and older than the other - about 15 years now.

I also have knuckle pads - about the same period of time?

Et tu?

03/28/2000 23:55
Marty Nemko

not registered

03/28/2000 23:55
Marty Nemko

not registered

disappearing nodules

When I was in my 20s, I felt a small nodule on my foot. It has disappeared. Alas, now, 49, I have them in my hand.

08/11/2001 23:58
mike amalfa

not registered

08/11/2001 23:58
mike amalfa

not registered

dissappearing lump

I have both hands infected with DC and one foot. Seven years ago I had fallen from a tree while deer hunting about 25 feet. I landed on my feet but broke my hip. After 2 weeks in the hospital I noticed the lump on my foot was gone. It showed back up though about 2 months later.

unheard   hospital   appeared   dissappearing   hunting   decrease   Ledderhose   noticed   fraction   knuckle   Recently   infected   Barbara   Lederhosen   disappearing   disappeared   nodules   smaller   totally