Interest in Family Connections |
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- 04/08/2007 14:33
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08/04/2002 23:05
not registered
08/04/2002 23:05
not registered
Interest in Family Connections
Other members of my family had the same lumps appear at the same time as mine. Has anyone else had experiences like this? How can we form a national organ to educate and gather data to find a cure. The disease that Dudley Moore just died from is very rare (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy) yet their webb site and knowledge and help is awesome. This disease is also in my family! Our numbers are greater let's get going. Thank goodness for this forum.
08/15/2002 23:24
Bretnot registered
08/15/2002 23:24
Bretnot registered
Family Connections!
I understand your concern and need of checking family connections! DC is hereditary for me from both maternal and paternal sides. My grandmother (now 81) had surgery to correct hers 3 years ago; my father (now 66) is developing the same curve as I have been showing for over 4 years.
I believe that mine developed much younger than the other members of my family because I was diagnosed with epilepsy over 25 years ago, and used to drink quite heavily.
I know that the drinking is my own fault; the epilepsy I wouldn't wish on anyone...and they add in to take away a career as a typist.
Anyone got any ideas on creating this family connections database? I'm willing to work on the design and possible creation.
08/16/2002 23:40
08/16/2002 23:40
In addition to my passion to learn and inform about D/C, I happen to be the family genealogist and historian.
I queried members of my far-flung groups and have not located anyone that admits to having or knowing any family member with our affliction, BUT do not take their replies as gospel.
My father’s maternal side blessed us with an unrelated genetic ailment. When I queried the family many years ago, I received the same response as with D/C. No one knew: No one has such a problem and it is not in the family. I doggedly pursued my congenital theory and have confirmed 9 instances of the disease among my clan.
Having said the above: I am absolutely certain that my D/C was derived from trauma. Everything fits together like a jig saw puzzle. It stems from an injury to both hands at 17 and followed by the formation of nodules.
In my case it appears that I could have lived my life without a further advance if it weren’t for another foolish accident to my left hand, followed closely by the now infamous crunching handshake that destroyed my right.
To some extent I was fortunate to have ceased my use of Glucosamine and C prior to the damage to my right. I therefore did not suffer much curling in that hand, however: the OAF caused serious encapsulation to 2 ½ fingers.
You all should know the rest of my story by now.
If you haven’t as yet responded to my survey you may be doing yourself a disservice. The gathering of D/C data is vital to our well being and hopefully will allow us to present a large study group to the medical profession.
08/18/2002 23:34
martinnot registered
08/18/2002 23:34
martinnot registered
For me this is definitely a family thing, my father had it, both my aunts have it and my grandmother had it. I have had no major hand injuries and started to get the characteristic lumps in my left palm at about age 44. I am now 52 and have just had surgery on this hand, I now also have a nodule starting in my right palm. I believe that trauma to the hand in the form of an accident or heavy manual work, and also heavy drinking, can bring it on, but it must be in the genes to start with.
08/18/2002 23:35
08/18/2002 23:35
Family Connections!
Looks like you have a well-documented family history that could be interesting. I'm about your age and DC also showed up in my 40s, but I have no family history to draw on. How did it go for your father, and your other relatives - did the DC continue to progress as they got older?
08/18/2002 23:19
Bretnot registered
08/18/2002 23:19
Bretnot registered
Family Connections!
Thanks for the input! (Especially jimh and martin.) I'm also this generation's genealogist/family historian...and WITHOUT LOOKING PURPOSELY, I've found 2 cases. My father probably has another 5-10 years before worrying about surgery, and my maternal grandmother has already had surgery. (I also have a niece that had a congenital condition much like DC, which was surgically corrected over 5 years ago.)
Thanks again, and please feel free to email me directly to continue discussion.
08/21/2002 23:40
martinnot registered
08/21/2002 23:40
martinnot registered
family connections
My father passed away fifteen years ago i.e. before I showed any signs of the desease. He had surgery about 2 years before he died,I recall him being pleased with the outcome but do not recall any re-occurrance. My one aunt had surgery for carpel tunnel and this seems to have helped the dc, I will get an update from her and post it here.
08/21/2002 23:59
Candesnot registered
08/21/2002 23:59
Candesnot registered
Are these symptoms a warning sign?
I'm 33 yrs old, female, and my father and grandfather both have DC. It's been over 6 months now since I first noticed pain in my left hand. I cannot grip things for a long period of time (i.e. blow drying my hair). My pinkie and ring finger seem to be affected the most and my palm. I do not have any formations on my palm, nor do my fingers curve toward my palm. Should I have a doctor check this out?
08/22/2002 23:40
martinnot registered
08/22/2002 23:40
martinnot registered
start of DC?
In my right palm about 1" from the base of my ring finger, I have a small bump which is the start of DC. Having said that, I have no contraction of the finger (yet), slight pain if I press on the bump, but otherwise no loss of functionality. Your's may not be DC at all, my advice would be to see a doctor if it is bothering you in any way.
06/13/2006 23:56
Baronnot registered
06/13/2006 23:56
Baronnot registered
Yes, my father and my grandfather have Dupuytren's Disease. They both have bent dicks too. I am headed that way. No problem with my feet so far. I keep my fingers crossed.
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- 04/08/2007 14:33
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