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Just had surgery
01/15/2002 23:43
Gary Evans

not registered

01/15/2002 23:43
Gary Evans

not registered

Just had surgery

Just had surgery yesterday. No surprises and no pain. Now comes removal of bandage and therapy on Friday. Little finger left hand was at 90 degrees. Surgery took about two hours. Fastest two hours of my life.

01/17/2002 23:28

not registered

01/17/2002 23:28

not registered

just had surgery too

I had surgery yesterday (17th). Left hand little finger 45 degree contraction. Surgeon did it in about a half hour. Bandages to come off in a week. So far not a big deal.

01/17/2002 23:05
Gary Evans

not registered

01/17/2002 23:05
Gary Evans

not registered

Just had surgery

Just got bandages off three days after surgery. Hand therapist gave me set of exercises which seem very difficult. I know I have to do them (and will), but little finger sure seems stiff. Never had any pain that a couple of Advil couldn't fix.

01/19/2002 23:17
Alex Allen

not registered

01/19/2002 23:17
Alex Allen

not registered

5 Weeks after Surgery

I had surgery on Dec. 11, left little finger & ring finger. Little finger was close to 90 degrees. Info. on this forum was a great help,i.e., how to cope with everyday tasks with one hand for a few days. I am very pleased with the results so far and can only re-inforce comments here to have an orthopedic surgeon with advanced training in hand surgery do the work.Then, follow the advice of the therapists. I have a beginning of a contracture on my right hand that my Dr. says will probably need work in 12 - 18 months.

04/05/2002 23:17

not registered

04/05/2002 23:17

not registered

Post Op Dupytrens

58 year old male had surgery 15th March on right hand little,ring ,middle finger,stitches taken out 10 days after,healing process going OK except right in middle of palm where point of large skin flap triangle cut not sitting flush .last two stitches down about 4mm either side of point.
Had operation done in Perth Capitol City 1800km away , returned home 5 days after . Local Nurse at hospital removed stitches. just relied on splint and palm plastic pad for scar tissue management to maintain pressure after that. In hindsight I think this was not enough to prevent the problem of raised point ,should have been advised to put some form of butterfly closure or adhesive skin repair tape that creates equal pressure on both surfaces for even flat healing join. Have to see Orthopaediatric Surgeon in a weeks time about this problem,may have to operate again to correct.Other than that fingers still stiff and swollen working hard on rehabilitation excercises.

04/05/2002 23:22
04/05/2002 23:22

sorry should be Orthopedic Surgeon

Bandages   management   excercises   contracture   therapists   Surgeon   contraction   beginning   orthopedic   butterfly   surprises   Orthopaediatric   pressure   surgery   stitches   yesterday   re-inforce   rehabilitation   Dupytrens   hindsight