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male-male or female-female only?
05/09/2004 23:21

not registered

05/09/2004 23:21

not registered

male-male or female-female only?

I am wondering if anyone has experienced a cross gender inheritance of Dupuytren's. My mother has been recently diagnosed at age 85, but does not know of either of her parents having Dupuytren's. Also, there is a question concerning where it will show up next....daughter or son?

05/10/2004 23:05

not registered

05/10/2004 23:05

not registered

Cross Gender

Yes DC does cross genders through inheritance.My 70 year old mother has just within the last year started to show a contraction on a finger on her left hand. I am 45 and have DC in both hands.My left hand (ring finger @ 32 deg.)has had it for over 20 years. My right hand (pinky finger @ 40 deg.) has had it for only 7 years. There is no way of telling who else in your family will come down this until it happens. Luckily, there are options other than surgery now. Hope this answers your question.

05/12/2004 23:26
Stage one

not registered

05/12/2004 23:26
Stage one

not registered


Hi, David. Thanks for sharing; and I hope you
are considering needle aponevrotomy for correcting
your contractures. Europe, Florida or Tennessee.
Go for it. Remember when you could get coins out of
your pockets, or comb your hair, or lather your face?
Twenty to forty minutes and it will all come back close
to normal if you take action sooner rather than later.
Cost? Probably $1000.00 US for transportation and treatment.
Benefit? Priceless. You will be surprised at the ease
of treatment and the difference it makes in attitude and
in the quality of life. 42 degrees suggests that it is
time to act. Good luck and send some pictures to the
Doc of your choice. Get that camera out! Check hotwire
for fares. Call Greyhound. Seize the moment. Have some
fun in TN, FL, FR, etc.

05/13/2004 23:12
05/13/2004 23:12
cross gender

Yes, it does. I'm from New Zealand and unfortunetly noone here seems to know anything about the needle treatment. My mother, age 68, has just had surgery to straighten her two smallest fingers and her hand. My brother and I are both in our forties and he has it quite badly and will have surgury this year. I have had a crooked little finger for many years. It doesn't seem to get any worse and I always thought it was an old netball injury. However I now suspect that I too will get it in the future. My mother's mother has not got Dup., but her father died in his early 50's so we don't know if he will have got it.

11/05/2005 23:35
11/05/2005 23:35

I left that the only surgery was done April or 2002

01/29/2006 23:23
Bill James

not registered

01/29/2006 23:23
Bill James

not registered


I am a transsexual man\woman and I have DD. So this curse clealy crosses genders, just as I do.

01/30/2006 23:59

not registered

01/30/2006 23:59

not registered

Considering NA...

That's exactly right. If you think that just by changing your sex you could stop DC, think again. We'd have a whole thread dedicated exclusively on how to do that. :-)

exclusively   contractures   concerning   considering   Tennessee   straighten   experienced   correcting   surprised   contraction   unfortunetly   wondering   treatment   transsexual   inheritance   difference   transportation   Dupuytren   female-female   aponevrotomy