Risks of hand surgery |
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04/02/2005 23:29
Paulnot registered
04/02/2005 23:29
Paulnot registered
Risks of hand surgery
My arrogant hand surgeon damaged the nerve on my pinkie. Now, ten years later, I have the same 90 degree bent finger. Only now it has little touch sensation. The result..an irritating absence of feeling on a crooked finger.
04/02/2005 23:21
No Namenot registered
04/02/2005 23:21
No Namenot registered
Other than to complain, what is the point of your posting? Postings like this only harm this forum and serve no useful purpose. Do you have a point?
04/02/2005 23:52
Randy H. not registered
04/02/2005 23:52
Randy H. not registered
Fighter Pilots, Quarterbacks, Basketball Stars
I think Paul was merely pointing out that Open Surgery has risks. Generally speaking, the more invasive a procedure is in any aria of medicine, the more risks one incurs. I have permanent (I'm told) nerve damage as well, as I was warned I might. Sometimes that comes with the territory. I do agree, however, Arrogance has *nothing* to do with it.
04/05/2005 23:37
linnot registered
04/05/2005 23:37
linnot registered
are surgens who damage patients responsible for nerve damage?
i have nerve damage on or inmy r ring finger. my surgen never told me. i only found ou after recieving ski grafts from a surgen other than that one. has anyone ever taken leagle action against what seems to be a sneaky surgen?
04/06/2005 23:01
No namenot registered
04/06/2005 23:01
No namenot registered
go away!!
04/06/2005 23:41
No Namenot registered
04/06/2005 23:41
No Namenot registered
No name
This message was not posted by me.
04/06/2005 23:11
linnot registered
04/06/2005 23:11
linnot registered
no nme
sorry o see you need sleep. im sure you might be in pain i'll light a candel for you. probably won't help im not religious. what the hck i will do it anyhow
04/06/2005 23:53
Brutusnot registered
04/06/2005 23:53
Brutusnot registered
An arrogant MD? God Forbid! Who could have ever imagined such a thing? and how dare you mention it!
04/07/2005 23:19
Senor Ultimonot registered
04/07/2005 23:19
Senor Ultimonot registered
who are all these posters?
This is a strange thread. :|
04/07/2005 23:36
Butterfly hunternot registered
04/07/2005 23:36
Butterfly hunternot registered
My personal opinion.
The thread is strange because the majority of the posts( including the original post) were written by the same person using different nicknames - our troll.
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