Same Boat (or bike) |
Locked- 04/08/2007 14:31
from wach 
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07/17/2004 23:03
MarkPnot registered
07/17/2004 23:03
MarkPnot registered
Clapping! Yes I forgot I couldn't clap! Small blessings but how MUCH APPRECIATED. Now I can clap very well. And to you guys out there ... my lady friend is very much... "happier!" since the na ...!!!
12/13/2006 23:03
Randy H. not registered
12/13/2006 23:03
Randy H. not registered
The Forum Alternative
Despite repeated phone calls and e-mails regarding the cesspool this has become, it is obvious that Bios does not value this Forum. It may be that it's clear to them that without this Forum NA would *never* have made it to the US. NA is a far less expensive competing procedure with Collagenase. Eaton was quite surprised that BioS allowed the NA movement to use this site as it's launch pad.
Or, it may be that BioS simply doesn't have the money to have someone check this site once a day and do 15 minutes worth of clean up. That's hard to believe, but it is a possibility. I've offered to help but they aren't interested.
So, as an alternative I've joined Wolfgang's Dupuytren's Society e.V. I have met with him personally and he is a *terrific* guy, having done more for Dups patient advocacy than anyone with the exception of Walt Stagner. As a member of the Society Wolfgang has asked me to moderate the English version of his Forum, and I've accepted. It wouldn't be as much fun as here 'cause I'll have to behave myself and tone down the rhetoric ;-)
I'm not leaving here, but sadly, this is not at all what it used to be.
In any case, come check it out at
12/14/2006 23:31
Mark Dnot registered
12/14/2006 23:31
Mark Dnot registered
This Forum
I'm glad to hear you won't abandon us.
12/14/2006 23:52
Bill Jamesnot registered
12/14/2006 23:52
Bill Jamesnot registered
Randy, did you go to Germany to meet Wolfgang?
12/16/2006 23:46
Randy.Hnot registered
12/16/2006 23:46
Randy.Hnot registered
Yep I did
Yes, Bill. I am greatly concerned at the status of this forum's future. Unfortunately Wolfgang's sight is not as easy to find and therefore not used as much, but this Forum is all but destroyed by the slow connection and runaway Spam.
We've talked about a back up for some time and Wolfgang has provided it. It costs $$$ to get it higher rated so donations are gladly accepted.
12/23/2006 23:17
Randy H. not registered
12/23/2006 23:17
Randy H. not registered
The Life Raft is Here
To All
This Forum has been such an incredible resource and effected so may lives. Hopefully BioS will be willing to make this site useable again by removing the spam that is destroying it. At present they are not.
However, in the meantime Wolfgang's Forum at the Dupuytren Society is up and running and is *spam* proof. (I invite all spamers to come on by and see how long you last!! :-) We are a completely independent nonprofit organization. If BioS will not get it's act together, we all have a great place to go! Hope to see you there.
Spamer: Sorry Pal. You are going to loose this one. Once you drive everyone off this site there will be no one left to be annoyed by your Lunacy.
Locked- 04/08/2007 14:31
from wach 
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