Social Security Disability with Dupuytrens |
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12/03/2002 23:06
12/03/2002 23:06
Social Security Disability with Dupuytrens
I am a 40 year old male with Dupuytrens on both hands and both feet. I have had three surgeries on each foot and two surgeries on each hand.I am having a very dificult time standing and walking ( pain)therfore my job is becoming very difficult to do. I am a Toolmaker and have to be on my feet all day and use my hands to hold small work pieces. Is there anyone out there that has applied for and is receiving Social Security Disability?? Any input on this subject will be greatly appreiciated. Thanks Jeff
12/30/2002 23:40
12/30/2002 23:40
I am currently applying for disability, I will contact you with any information I receive. I was informed my chances were greater if I could prove cause by trauma. Still, the basis of disability is the ability to work. I cannot.
08/23/2003 23:52
john bensonnot registered
08/23/2003 23:52
john bensonnot registered
social security disability & dupuytrens complicated with dgerative disk desease
I hope someone can steer my in the right direction with the ss administration, as per qualifing for disability. Im 60 yr old man, I had an on the job accident as a cement truck driver, I fell, wound up on workmans comp. Was dignosed as having degenerative disk desease in vertbra of my neck, this was about 13 vary pain filled years ago, haven't been abel to hold any kind of job since, do to pain. Now thanks to this forum, I know what else has a hold of me, im in so much pain from the two problems I
09/02/2003 23:27
Becky Kominiareknot registered
09/02/2003 23:27
Becky Kominiareknot registered
I have spent most of my working life using a typewriter or computer keyboard. I now have Dupuytrens which appeared shortly after surgery for carpal tunnel. I am finding it increasingly difficult to use the keyboard and driving is painful. I would like to find out about applying for social security disability. Can anyone help me?
09/03/2003 23:10
Anonnot registered
09/03/2003 23:10
Anonnot registered
SS & dup
There may be a frequently asked questions section on
12/17/2003 23:26
Terri Bryantnot registered
12/17/2003 23:26
Terri Bryantnot registered
Social Security
I have had fusion at c5/c6 and now have degenetation from c/4 to c/7. I have been fighting social security since 1996. Good luck to anyone who can get help from them.... Unless you know where some one is hidding that the US. Goverment wants dead, I don't think you will get any money from the goverment ..THEY ARE TO BUSY BEING THE WELFARE DEPT. FOR THE REST OF THE WORLD, SO IF YOUR NOT A FORGINER FORGET IT YOU WONT GET ANYTHING. THEY DON'T GIVE A FLYING RATS ASS ABOUT ITS THEIR NATURAL BORN CITIZENS. AND WRITING TO THE PUPET AT THE WHITEHOUSE WONT GET YOU ANYTHING NOT EVEN A RESPONSE... THANKS G.W.BUSH FOR NOT GIVING A SHIT.
12/17/2003 23:53
cynthianot registered
12/17/2003 23:53
cynthianot registered
Even tho i was born here, i was thinking of moving to another country, becoming a citizen there, then sneaking back into the US. i figure that way i could get lots of housing and medical benifits. i feel your pain.
12/17/2003 23:17
Traudlnot registered
12/17/2003 23:17
Traudlnot registered
Terry B. and Cynthia, listen to this
To use this forum as a dumping ground for disgruntled democrats is absolutely disgusting. Especially you, Terry, take your poorly written, grossly misspelled, poisonous spew to, they'll love you.
02/28/2004 23:02
paula brownnot registered
02/28/2004 23:02
paula brownnot registered
degenerative disk desease
can anyone help me,my doctor want me to have surgery on my back to remove a disk,is there any other way,is there some kind of exercise i can do, or a shot or something,
02/02/2005 23:57
bethnot registered
02/02/2005 23:57
bethnot registered
I have been trying to get my disability for 3 years now due to degenerativ disk disease and anumber of other medical problems. ssi absolutly doesnt care how long it takes or if you go broke waiting. I would love to be able to work but pain is so bad most days. I have been a hardworking person my whole life,kindof makes a person sick when other people get ssi and you know they are fakes,and good people have to suffer.
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