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What age are most of you? I am 36 and have it pretty bad...
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07/18/2006 23:54
07/18/2006 23:54
~dq~Nodule in pinkie~dq~

Cat mentions now having a nodule in her pinkie. Is this common in DD? I have a nodule under the joint in my DD hand pinkie which is getting bigger. My GP says it is a ganglion. It's ironic how everything is happening on the same hand.

08/16/2006 23:28
Craig A Crawford

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08/16/2006 23:28
Craig A Crawford

not registered

Rapid onset

I discovered my DD at age 36 (now 41). I have had surgery on my right pinky (same as my Father) which I let get out of hand (no pun intended). Within 5 years, I know have "knuckle pads" on all 10 fingers and a large knot on my right palm about the size of a quarter. My hands ache daily and doing basic things like tying shoes, making beds, etc. have become very difficult. My doctor insists that I am not having any pain despite my pleadings. Does anyone else have a doctor who dismisses pain so readily?

08/16/2006 23:15
Randy H.

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08/16/2006 23:15
Randy H.

not registered

Bottom Line


Many people have reported significant pain in association with Dups diseased tissue. CHS are taught that this disease is not painful so naturally your MD assumes you are mistaken, even though it's your hand, not his. They are a magnificently confidant bunch and are rarely persuaded about anything regarding their specialty unless coming from another CHS. And then with difficulty.

The bottom line, however, is that there is nothing reliable that you can do to stop the pain.

09/09/2006 23:47

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09/09/2006 23:47

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What age are most of you?~dq~

I am 61; but have had DC for over 10 years. Most doctors will not believe I had it in my left hand; but I know I did. I tend to fall down a lot, and it seemed to snap and then clear up. Now it is in my right hand--ring finger--but wanting to include the middle finger. Falling down this time only made it worse and it went up to the knuckle. I started with plantar fascitus(sp??) way back in 1978. First one foot then the other. So, I have a strong tendency to get this thing. Also, half Hispanic half Northern European. I guess I have to blame this on the Viking half.

11/23/2006 23:54

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11/23/2006 23:54

not registered


My father and 3 brothers have it. Apparently in Spain around 10% of people in their 50s and 30% of people over 75 have it. So much for the "viking theory". No risks of vikings in my family... from the mountains in Galicia where we haven't seen a boat for thousands of years. My desease started when I was 28... but I've got used to it... still can play the piano at 60. By the way... in Western Europe genes have moved from South to North not the other way around. Take a look: http://news.scotsman.com/scitech.cfm?id=1393742006

11/24/2006 23:48
11/24/2006 23:48

No vikings in spain ?
Do a quick google
i.e. http://www.viking.no/e/spain/index.html

11/27/2006 23:50

not registered

11/27/2006 23:50

not registered

They never settle here

I´m well aware of the viking incursions but nobody has ever said or proved that they ever settle in Spain. Cheers!

11/28/2006 23:02
Hammer head

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11/28/2006 23:02
Hammer head

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Vikings raped every young lady they could catch in Spain. The same thing happened every where they went. That is how Dupuytren's Disease spread throughout Europe.

11/30/2006 23:11

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11/30/2006 23:11

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