What age are most of you? I am 36 and have it pretty bad... |
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01/06/2006 23:28
Scottnot registered
01/06/2006 23:28
Scottnot registered
What age are most of you? I am 36 and have it pretty bad...
Two years ago I broke my 5th metacarpal. Since, i have developed Dup., severe PIP, in my little finger. I have signs of Dup. in my other fingers but the trauma of the bone break was a real catalyst in that finger.
My local hand doc. recommended surgery. I was told that becasue of my young age (36) it will likely return and fast.
I opted for NA and I am scheduled with Dr. Eaton in a month. He also said it will likely return.
Since, I have learned that my mother has Dup. and had surgery on both hands. I am worried what my hands will be like when I am 50! This sucks.
Anyone else out there young with Dup.?
01/06/2006 23:23
Jim Knightnot registered
01/06/2006 23:23
Jim Knightnot registered
hand injuries and age
Scott, yes this really sucks. I too injured my thumb on my right hand pretty severely about 2 1/2 yrs ago. Guess what? Next thing I know I have 2 little bumps in the middle of my palm. Now there are 4 and 2 have grown with a cord extending to my little finger. Just the last couple of days I have noticed a cord starting to grow towards my wrist from the nodules that are going to my little finger. I will be sending pics to Dr. Eaton and Dr. Bourland in Memphis to get their opinions. I'm 48 and yes, I think that is too young also. Actually I think any age is too young for this to happen. It has so we have to deal with it. Looks to me like this is the right place to be to get info and help spread any good news we can. Hang in there! Never know what tomorrow might bring. Jim
01/06/2006 23:09
01/06/2006 23:09
old hippy
Hi Scott,
I'm 51, and I started noticing symptoms at somewhere around my early 40's, hard to say exzctly when because I have had a ton of finger injuries due to playing rugby in my youth. But it was early 40's for me and I too was told that is young to begin developing this and usually means a more agressive case.
I have had NA twice (in France, 3 years apart and seems to have stabalized now) and although I no longer play rugby (HA.) I do still mountain bike and snowboard. In past years I have had a few hellacious mountain bike falls where I also injured my fingers.. so nowadays I still do all the activities I love but I tone it down ever so slightly, keeping in mind that all these repeated injuries have probably not done much good for my DC.
Since the jury is still out on exact causes of this disease, I have tried to modify my abuse instead of completely quitting the things I love; and I just figure I will repeat the NA treatment when needed as long as it works.
01/06/2006 23:12
01/06/2006 23:12
old hippy
54 now, it began in my early 40s. Scott, try like heck to avoid surgery. I've had 2 and I know whereof I speak. Every year you delay means a better chance of a new non-surgical treatment.
Google on "AA4500".
01/07/2006 23:38
Tommynot registered
01/07/2006 23:38
Tommynot registered
old hippy
My DD was first noticed in 1998, a year after it was "triggered" by a "fat" swing of the golf club resulting in a torn tendon on the back side of the same hand.
I was 20 years old when I sat in the mud at the Woodstock festival. I remember all of it.
01/07/2006 23:56
Wolfgangnot registered
01/07/2006 23:56
Wolfgangnot registered
I was about 35 when I noticed my first nodule. The published statistics about age often refer to the first time of treatment/surgery. I guess for men start of Dupuytren around 40 is not untypical, though there are cases with the age of 20 or less.
01/07/2006 23:20
J Annnot registered
01/07/2006 23:20
J Annnot registered
Young w/ DC
Scott, I was diagnosed last year with Dupuytren's at the age of 36. I have been showing signs of DC since my mid 20's. No family history or hand injury just remember a small swelling in my ring finger in my mid 20's was told it was scare tissue. Had contracture in small pip 3 years ago. I have had surgery twice in 2005 8 months apart. I to feel I have the worst case and I as well do not know what the future holds. I submitted photos to Dr Eaton and was told I was not a candidate. Surgery has been my only option. DC moves quickly for me contracture was back after 3 months post op. down to 55 degrees knuckles were locked had no other choice. Since my last surgery in Nov. my pip is straight but my ring finger has started in the knuckle again swollen and painful. I wish you best of luck w/ NA , hopefully new treatment will come soon for us!!! J Ann
01/08/2006 23:30
01/08/2006 23:30
What age are most of you.
I was about 44 when it first appeared (am 51 now). I have it both hands and feet and have had one NA with Dr Eaton 1.5 years ago and the finger remains straight. As I read others say in recent posts, I remain active (run, lift weights, golf, etc.)and won't let this disease keep me from what I enjoy.
01/08/2006 23:24
Hammer headnot registered
01/08/2006 23:24
Hammer headnot registered
I was 56 when I had my visit with Dr. Eaton.
01/08/2006 23:08
lgnot registered
01/08/2006 23:08
lgnot registered
is everyone male?
I am a 36 year old female, and just found out i have it....just had surgery for trigger finger 2 months ago.
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