Hereditary ....How many generations?? |
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08/19/2007 09:02
yankee21not registered
08/19/2007 09:02
yankee21not registered
Hereditary ....How many generations??
I do not know of anybody older than me in my family that has DC. But ,I, was wondering, if I had an uncle I don't know about, now me, could my kids get this too ??? Is it one of those that skip a generation or are there cases that every generation can be involved ??
08/19/2007 10:29
Wolfgangnot registered
08/19/2007 10:29
Wolfgangnot registered
Re: Hereditary ....How many generations??
My mother has it, I have it. Some of my cousins (kids of my mother's sister) have it, too. I guess it can appear in every generation but it is not deterministic. You can get it but not neccessarily.
08/19/2007 17:27
Nananot registered
08/19/2007 17:27
Nananot registered
Re: Hereditary ....How many generations??
Hi, I don't have the Dupuytren's however I am sure my father does......(he has never been actually diagnosed other than by me hahahaha)....I found a picture online that looks just like his hand though........Dad is 76 years old and has worked construction since he was a yong teen........he is a stubborn hillbilly and does not go to the Dr. so when his hand started contracting he just figured he had injured it somehow working and it never healed properly, either that or it was arthritis. I however have Plantar Fibromatosis and recently had surgey. At the time I was diagnosed I was told it was thought to be a hereditary disease. To my knowledge no one in my family had had anything such as this. In researching online I realized the association between the two and that is when ( I ) diagnosed my dad (hahahaha) So I guess my repsonse to your question would be this stuff can rear it's ugly face in whatever way it chooses...........Dad has the problem with his hands and mine is in the feet. At this tme I have no indication that there is anything going on with my hands, and he has no indication of foot problems. I also have 7 brothers and sisters (I am #5 of 8) and none of them have any indications of Dupuytren's or the Plantar Fibromatosis at this time. To our knowledge Dad and I are the only family members, that have ever had anything like this at all
08/19/2007 21:11
08/19/2007 21:11
My grandfather had this, same two fingers as I do. It skipped over my mom, but out of 6 kids, so far 3 of us have it. Only one hand affected me, just identical hand and finger to grandpa. My brother has it in both is hands. My youngest sister is just starting with a nodule now. She is 50, I'm 56, my brother, is the youngest, and he started first at age 45. He went for open hand surgery on both his hands so far. I did research and had NA in Toronto twice now and going for thirds!
08/19/2007 23:05
08/19/2007 23:05
Re: Hereditary ....How many generations??
I am pretty sure my grandmother had it, my father definately had it, my brother has it and I have it. So its three generations without a skip.
08/20/2007 04:00
08/20/2007 04:00
Re: Hereditary ....How many generations??
My mum has Ledderhose and her sister has DD. Their Dad died from blood poisoning when they were very young so don't have any idea about his condition. My Dad's family were farmers with no problems that I know of in this area.
08/20/2007 05:58
08/20/2007 05:58

Re: Hereditary ....How many generations??
My mum has it. I have an older brother and sister who don't. I don't recall ever seeing this disease in other family or relatives.
Edited at 08/20/07 09:01
08/21/2007 01:04
08/21/2007 01:04
Re: Hereditary ....How many generations??
I'm from a huge family. My grandparents didn't have it, and neither did their siblings. None of my aunts, uncles, or cousins have it. None of my siblings have it. As far as I've been able to determine, I'm the only one.
08/21/2007 13:52
08/21/2007 13:52
Re: Hereditary ....How many generations??
My father had it but it mostly manifested as lumps and cords but without contracture.
Interestingly enough, I'm the youngest of four children (3 men) and my DD manifested itself first. My older brother (by four years) is just seeing contracture signs now and my eldest brother (by eight years) shows nothing.
11/09/2007 20:08
11/09/2007 20:08
Re: Hereditary ....How many generations??
None of my grandparents or aunt or uncles have had it and my father was a mechanic, one uncle was a dairy farmer and the other a stone mason and all reached their eighties with no signs of the disease and they certainly had occupations that stressed the hands extensively.
One thing that is occupationally different with me is the presence of repetitive activities that stress my hands over a period of many hours (photography and computer work) and I can see this along with people who practice for hours with an instrument as being more likely to trigger the onset of the disease.
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