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Any experience with using a massager on your feet?
03/22/2013 17:19
03/22/2013 17:19
Any experience with using a massager on your feet?

Has anyone tried using a vibrating foot massager to relax and loosen their feet, hence reducing pain? There is a massager that seems to do a great job on plantar fasciitis, but I'm concerned about using it on my feet for my ledderhose problem. I understand from my reading in this forum and other places that when you disturb the disease, it can grow more aggressively. I have a concern that the deep vibration/manipulation of my foot may disturb the ledderhose nodules and trigger them to grow more. Any thoughts for using a vibrating foot massager? (It is a high-end professional grade percussion massager).


04/11/2013 02:33
04/11/2013 02:33
Re: Any experience with using a massager on your feet?

Any time I have used a foot massager on my nodules it tends to cause inflammation and swelling. It feels really good when I am using the massager but within a day, I am regretting the decision.

04/11/2013 17:05
04/11/2013 17:05
Re: Any experience with using a massager on your feet?

Thanks NenaCindy for your reply. I have found the same result. It tends to loosen my feet which feels good, but the next day they seem to be a little inflamed. I'm concerned that this inflamation may stimulate the nodule growth. I'm guessing it would be the same with manual deep tissue massage...I have found that when I get a massage, they are eager to want to work my feet. I have started requesting that they leave my feet alone. Again, if anyone has any insights to deep tissue foot massage and its effects on Ledderhose, I would appreciate your feedback.

04/12/2013 09:40
04/12/2013 09:40

Re: Any experience with using a massager on your feet?

My advice would be to massage the whole leg prior to any deeper more specific massage on the thickened fibres in the foot.

Increasing circulation in the whole leg will greatly diminish the likelihood of inflammation in the foot.

I have used this protocol on my Dupuytrens clients (neck shoulders arms first) prior to the deeper work in the hands that is necessary to switch off cellular activity.

Hope you find this helpful.

Edited 04/13/13 06:14

12/31/1969 23:00
12/31/1969 23:00
Re: Any experience with using a massager on your feet?

Of course foot massaging is great. Doing your own foot massage at home can do more than just relax you also. In addition to that, it can leave you feeling refreshed and invigorated.

massage   inflammation   invigorated   regretting   ledderhose   likelihood   professional   Increasing   Dupuytrens   massager   requesting   experience   percussion   circulation   vibrating   appreciate   inflamation   aggressively   concerned   manipulation