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other therapies |
11/02/2008 17:33
marblefootnot registered
11/02/2008 17:33
marblefootnot registered
other therapies
I have gotten very good care mostly but am at the point where typical thereapies are not working but I am am still in stage 1 for my LD. I really do not care to have any invasive surgery to stop this, either. Has any one tried accupuncture for any of this and have there been any Dr's who have reported their procedures or results.
11/04/2008 03:28
11/04/2008 03:28

Re: other therapies
I have gotten very good care mostly but am at the point where typical thereapies are not working but I am am still in stage 1 for my LD. I really do not care to have any invasive surgery to stop this, either. Has any one tried accupuncture for any of this and have there been any Dr's who have reported their procedures or results.
Hi Australia Calling.I have had ledderhose for 8 years. I recently had low dose radiotherapy and the results for me have been outstanding. Previously I had to wear arthodics. There are now not necessary. A most important factor is the shoes that you wear. Good quality lace ups with soft innersoles are a must. My podiotrist recently placed very thin rubber linnings under the inner sole which improved the softening when walking.Try this yourself. I also wear Nike Free walkers ,which were recommended to me by Prof Seegenschmiedt. They are very light and have a segmented base . Regards.
podiotrist Previously segmented softening radiotherapy arthodics outstanding ledderhose Seegenschmiedt procedures recommended innersoles necessary important reported invasive recently accupuncture thereapies therapies