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Pain Relief
01/26/2009 14:35
01/26/2009 14:35
Pain Relief

Hi Everyone,

I has been recently diagnosed with Dupuytrens in both hands and Ledderhose's disease in my left foot, I worked as a store manager and had to change jobs to take the presure off my feet as it is getting alot of sharp pains.

Does anyone know of any pain relife we can look into for my foot anything at all! I am only 30 years old and the doctors seem so suprised i have both Dupuytrens & Ledderhose at my age, but they have all said as for the Dupuytrens it has to wrosen before they can operate as there is a hgher success rate this way. As for the foot I was given tablets (pain killers) bu they really have little or no effect for me!

We would be extreamly greatful for any help and advice people have!

Edited 01/26/09 16:37

01/26/2009 15:38
01/26/2009 15:38
Re: Pain Relief

Hi and welcome!

I am struggling to control pain in my feet right now too. It's a good idea to thoroughly check out this site before submitting to surgery.

These are some of the things I am trying right now:

I recently tried massaging the arches with a tennis ball. It sounded painful when someone suggested it to me, but I was pleasantly surprised that I felt some relief afterwards.

Thorlo socks with thickest padding. I am waiting to get into a podiatrist right now.

I have also started N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) and transdermal verapamil, but these are pretty much desperate efforts right now. Check out other therapies/NAC on this website.

Can't suggest anything for dupuytrens as I have knuckle pads that are painful.

Good luck! And if you find any solutions please let me know!

Ledderhose   verapamil   desperate   anything   struggling   transdermal   recently   therapies   diagnosed   solutions   extreamly   suggested   pleasantly   Dupuytrens   massaging   surprised   thoroughly   afterwards   podiatrist   submitting