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RT:Some concrete proof!!
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05/25/2012 21:06
05/25/2012 21:06

Re: RT:Some concrete proof!!

Hi Lori T
People in the medical professions are taught to distrust forms of knowledge that are not backed up by a lot of scientific evidence. So until science has caught up with our conditions, there's going to be distrust amongst medical professions about new and emerging treatments. So, in the absence of this evidence, what to do?

While there is a lack of agreement between professionals, we as health consumers have no other choice than to make decisions about what we think is best for us. My decision to have RT was on the basis of Prof S's decade of experience with these conditions being the next best thing to solid scientific evidence. Do your reading, listen to the various forms of advice and make your decision when you feel sure it's right for you

Good luck

What was the valid reason?

Her valid reasons were that the procedure might not be safe (she used the cancer scare tactic) and, as of yet, there hasn't been conclusive evidence through test studies to show that RT is really successful at slowing or stopping the progression of Dups. I started to explain the information I had read on the internet and she stood up, as if to leave. At that point I said, "okay we're done." I've never had an experience like that, and I wasn't prepared for a confrontation.

Edited 05/27/12 14:13

05/26/2012 02:36
05/26/2012 02:36
Re: RT:Some concrete proof!!

Lori, It sounds like your DD came on suddenly. Are the nodule and cord progressing rapidly? It definitely sounds active which is what it needs to be for RT to be effective. Cords will not be much improved by RT, but nodules usually respond well. At least they did for me. I only hoped to stop the progression and stop nodules from popping up every week. It did that and more. I'm very happy that I made the decision that I did.

Now I'm getting things together to have RT on my other/left hand. It has not progressed over my whole palm as it did on my right hand, but it has and is noticeably progressing in a more confined area involving my thumb, forefinger. The MRI picked up some in my palm near the base of my middle finger. It is in my palm in an area just under the web between my thumb and forefinger, but mostly above and below the MCP joint of my forefinger. That area of my forefinger has multiple nodules.

Such a puzzling disease!

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professions   Seegenschmiedt   progressing   confrontation   decision   professionals   evidence   nodules   forefinger   discontinued   implementing   contracture   improvement   concrete   Washington   preventative   definitely   progression   conditions   effectiveness