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RT:Some concrete proof!!
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05/12/2012 16:21
05/12/2012 16:21
RT:Some concrete proof!!

Hello all,

Just this week I had a 2nd MRI done on my feet. The first one was in 2009 as a baseline. I asked the doc to see if in his opinion RT had done any good. I had one round in La Jolla 2011 and did not go back for a 2nd round yet.

Good news!!! He said the nodules were definitely smaller!! I wish I had thought to ask for percentages, but this is still good, good news!

Now I only hope that my insurance will still cover round 2 for me. I have heard they have discontinued coverage on hands I now have evidence of dupuytrens in my left hand.

Hope this helps someone in their decision on RT.

05/12/2012 20:01
05/12/2012 20:01
Re: RT:Some concrete proof!!

Hm-mmmm. Maybe we need to all get MRI's before RT. It is proof of the effectiveness. We're going to have to build our own research base and studies.

05/13/2012 20:11
05/13/2012 20:11
Re: RT:Some concrete proof using MRI!!

I had MRI on my operated foot before implementing RT to define what Prof. Seegenschmiedt termed the "target volume, i.e. the depth and lenth and width of the recurrent lesion"; according to this volume added by an additional safety margin of 2 cm I received RT with 5 x 3 Gy in two rounds (a time gap of 3 months inbetween) up to a total dose of 30Gy. I had problems with gait, heavy pain and some kind of numbness ...

3 years later I am free of pain, the nodels are more than 50% reduced in size which I can palpate myself, but is also seen in a follow-up MRI 30 months after RT!

MRI is an OBJECTIVE PROOF but the SUBJECTIVE FINDING is at least as good ! However I felt better after the exam ...

I think in questionable conditions a good MRI examination is not a bad decision ! All the best, Larry

05/14/2012 23:23
05/14/2012 23:23

Re: RT:Some concrete proof!!

hello debrr, good to hear from you. I was wondering how you were doing. Good news on the shrinking of your nodules. Have you seen an improvement all around since RT? Can you walk better, how about the pain, is that also better?
RT should not be a problem with your insurance since it is in your feet, at least that is what they told me. Good luck. Hope you will have even more improvement with your second of Rt.


05/15/2012 11:02
05/15/2012 11:02

Re: RT:Some concrete proof!!

I also had a MRI during my first treatment with Prof S. I'm about to have a follow-up MRI here in Aust and will share the results with you.

05/15/2012 11:04
05/15/2012 11:04

Re: RT:Some concrete proof!!

Hey Debrr!!!
Good to hear the nodules have shrunk. How are your feet feeling now? Any better?

Hello all,

Just this week I had a 2nd MRI done on my feet. The first one was in 2009 as a baseline. I asked the doc to see if in his opinion RT had done any good. I had one round in La Jolla 2011 and did not go back for a 2nd round yet.

Good news!!! He said the nodules were definitely smaller!! I wish I had thought to ask for percentages, but this is still good, good news!

Now I only hope that my insurance will still cover round 2 for me. I have heard they have discontinued coverage on hands I now have evidence of dupuytrens in my left hand.

Hope this helps someone in their decision on RT.

05/24/2012 02:20
05/24/2012 02:20
Re: RT:Some concrete proof!!

Hi, I'm brand new to this site. I've had a nodule and a cord in my right-hand since February of this year. Today, I saw a specialist at Washington Hand Surgery. What a joke, except that I ended up crying like a baby when I got back to my car. I don't have any contracture, so the doctor told me to "keep an eye on it" and come back in a year to have it checked. She totally blew me off, almost to the point of being rude. She also dissed the internet site and proceeded to say there were valid reason why the FDA has not approved RT in the US. I am very interested in preventative therapy, especially RT. Has anyone had a long term, favorable result from RT done in Washington State or Oregon?
Thanks, Lori

Edited 05/24/12 05:22

05/24/2012 05:55
05/24/2012 05:55
Re: RT:Some concrete proof!!

What was the valid reason?

05/24/2012 14:04
05/24/2012 14:04
Re: RT:Some concrete proof!!

Hi, I'm brand new to this site. I've had a nodule and a cord in my right-hand since February of this year. Today, I saw a specialist at Washington Hand Surgery. What a joke, except that I ended up crying like a baby when I got back to my car. I don't have any contracture, so the doctor told me to "keep an eye on it" and come back in a year to have it checked. She totally blew me off, almost to the point of being rude. She also dissed the internet site and proceeded to say there were valid reason why the FDA has not approved RT in the US. I am very interested in preventative therapy, especially RT. Has anyone had a long term, favorable result from RT done in Washington State or Oregon?
Thanks, Lori

Dr. Kline has an office in Idaho and Oregon and has an associate that does RT using the German protocols. He has the disease himself and has had RT and NA himself. I went to Germany to get RT on both my feet and one hand. My hand was a little advanced and the doctor warned me that the RT might not be successful and I might have to follow up with NA which is what I will be doing with Dr. Kline in the next couple months. My feet responded really well to RT and I have virtually no pain any longer. I really wish that I had gotten the RT on my hand before my finger started contracting. You might want to give him a call and just talk to them about your options. You can get his contact info from this site. Don't wait too long like I did!

05/25/2012 01:22
05/25/2012 01:22
Re: RT:Some concrete proof!!

What was the valid reason?

Her valid reasons were that the procedure might not be safe (she used the cancer scare tactic) and, as of yet, there hasn't been conclusive evidence through test studies to show that RT is really successful at slowing or stopping the progression of Dups. I started to explain the information I had read on the internet and she stood up, as if to leave. At that point I said, "okay we're done." I've never had an experience like that, and I wasn't prepared for a confrontation.

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preventative   contracture   evidence   definitely   confrontation   decision   professions   discontinued   Washington   forefinger   Seegenschmiedt   professionals   improvement   concrete   nodules   effectiveness   progression   progressing   conditions   implementing