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Pain with Dupytrens
07/12/2014 04:19
07/12/2014 04:19
Pain with Dupytrens

Hi All

I have visited this site a few times has a guest and thankful to have found it since I have DD in Both hands and find it quite a comfort - I am 58yr old female from the UK and recently had Xiapex (as we call it here) Injection in my right hand for my ring finger. The finger had ( a 60 degree) fixed flexion contracture at the PIPJ . The treatment was beginning of May and after approx. 2 weeks of night splinting and some hand excercises I have had a good result with mobility back in my finger - My left hand has quite a large area of diffuse DD with no contracture at the moment - My hand specialist (who is very respected) in my region here in the UK has said that it doesn't require treatment at the moment - My concerns are that I do get a lot of discomfort in this hand - Sensations of burning,aching and sharp like pain which extends into my forearm and elbow - I have read the forum and note that there are other users with related symptoms but I also see that DD is not usually a painful decease. - I haven't had Xray or MRI so diagnostics have been clinical and wondered if there could be another underlying cause - The first nodule appeared in my left hand approx. 18 months ago and does seem to be quite aggressive in terms of lumpiness whereas my right hand was a much slower process - I have been prescribed NSAIDs by my local doctor - Any thoughts ??


Just like to add a Thank you to those of you that work and contribute to this site

07/12/2014 14:30


07/12/2014 14:30


Re: Pain with Dupytrens

Welcome cornbread

Many users on here tell us that pain is not at all unusual with DD. Tingling, aches, general soreness, pins and needles, etc. However the extra tissue could also be indirectly causing painful symptoms by pressing on nerves or tendon sheaths. If you are concerned ask your surgeon for his thoughts. You can try ice and/or hot soaks and gentle massage to see if that helps.

Are you aware there is a British Dupuytren's Society? http://dupuytrens-society.org.uk. Say hello on their Facebook.

Best wishes


07/13/2014 10:36
07/13/2014 10:36
Re: Pain with Dupytrens

Thank you Spanishbuddah for you reply - Yes it would make sense that the build of tissue would have a knock on effect- As I said it is more diffuse and quite a mass middle palm- - The symptoms I experience seem to be compliant with CTS so I will follow up and express my concerns - Thank you for your direction on the British site I will take a look - Kind regards Cornhead

underlying   Dupytrens   symptoms   diagnostics   prescribed   experience   excercises   Dupuytren   Sensations   discomfort   Spanishbuddah   concerns   aggressive   contracture   dupuytrens-society   treatment   indirectly   contribute   cornbread   specialist