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Radiation Therapy in US (Texas) Cost? X days X treatments?
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04/28/2009 22:10
04/28/2009 22:10
Radiation Therapy in US (Texas) Cost? X days X treatments?

Diagnosed with DC 3/25/09...had since 11/2007 or before but I did not know what it was. I'm currently between N and N1. I'm looking to get radiation therapy and would welcome any suggestions. I have read all the patient accounts from this site and anywhere else I can find.

I live in Texas (near Austin) and would like to have this done close by, but the only place I have found (with the help of this site) is the OU Medical center in Oklahoma. They offer the treatment but only one round (ie 5 days, 7 treatments) instead of the two seperated by some time like what I read about for German treatments. Does anyone have experience with only doing one set of treatments not two?

Also...I'm self employed and and self insured (high deductable Aetna) so cost is something I'm looking at as well. The OU center said it would cost between $15 to $20k for the one week...ouch! Does anyone have any idea as to what this should cost...this seems high to me.



04/29/2009 01:32

not registered

04/29/2009 01:32

not registered

Re: Radiation Therapy in US (Texas) Cost? X days X treatments?

Alan -

Why have you selected radiation in preference to NA? The figures you quoted are about 30-fold what NA costs and I believe there is considerably less data on the efficacy of radiation in treating Dupuytren's.

Steve Abrams

04/29/2009 20:52
04/29/2009 20:52
Re: Radiation Therapy in US (Texas) Cost? X days X treatments?


I'm looking at radiation because of the successes I've read about and the fact that my DC is in the early stages. I'm only 38 years old and I would like to try something that may keep me from having repeat NA or surgery. The success rates I have been quoted (OU Medical Center) and read about for radiation are at 70 to 90%. So far I have not found any real negative data on the radiation treatment, but I'm still looking. Any info are links would be appreciated.


04/29/2009 23:57
04/29/2009 23:57
Re: Radiation Therapy in US (Texas) Cost? X days X treatments?

Professor Seegenschmiedt has more experience than everyone else combined in terms of XRT for Dupuytren's and he recommend either 6 treatments over a 2-week period (every other day at lower dosage for 6 treatments) or better 5 treatments done daily with a 60 day period for the body to recover from the radiation (which it will do) and then a second round of 5 treatments.

I had my XRT done at his clinic in Essen Germany and the cost for both hands for the first round of treatments was 400 euros. I had the second round done in San Francisco and the hospital charged $8000 of which my Blue Cross insurance covered $6000 and the rest I had to pay.

No one really knows if the lower dosage approach is going to be as effective and the cost is going to be roughly the same either way you decide to go. I would highly recommend that you have the XRT done as soon as possible as it seems to arrest the disease at whatever stage it is at the time of the treatment.

04/30/2009 04:42

not registered

04/30/2009 04:42

not registered

Re: Radiation Therapy in US (Texas) Cost? X days X treatments?

Alan, you need to be aware that radiotherapy won't make fingers straight. If you already have an extension deficit, NA is the way to go. Radiotherapy slows/stops initial active nodules. It doesn't work well on cords.



Diagnosed with DC 3/25/09...had since 11/2007 or before but I did not know what it was. I'm currently between N and N1. I'm looking to get radiation therapy and would welcome any suggestions. I have read all the patient accounts from this site and anywhere else I can find.

I live in Texas (near Austin) and would like to have this done close by, but the only place I have found (with the help of this site) is the OU Medical center in Oklahoma. They offer the treatment but only one round (ie 5 days, 7 treatments) instead of the two seperated by some time like what I read about for German treatments. Does anyone have experience with only doing one set of treatments not two?

Also...I'm self employed and and self insured (high deductable Aetna) so cost is something I'm looking at as well. The OU center said it would cost between $15 to $20k for the one week...ouch! Does anyone have any idea as to what this should cost...this seems high to me.



04/30/2009 15:56
04/30/2009 15:56
Re: Radiation Therapy in US (Texas) Cost? X days X treatments?


I do not have any contracture at this point...(table top with arm at about 45deg can still raise fingers off the table, all fingers straight), but I'm unsure on the issue of cords. I do show dimpling in my palm that has increased over the last 6-9months. The three nodules I could identify are now harder to identify singly....ie is this a cord? As with most of the people I have read about, the hand doctor that first looked at my hand last month wants me to wait until surgery is needed....

I'm really trying to narrow down the radiation option quickly as I believe I'm quickly running out of time if not already.


04/30/2009 21:09
04/30/2009 21:09
Re: Radiation Therapy in US (Texas) Cost? X days X treatments?

I was a candidate for NA and RT. Had the NA for minor contracture and am scheduling RT for the many nodules I have in my palm. I posted under a separate topic, "Consultation re: Radiation Therapy . . ." the results of my consultation about RT. I needed NA and that's done. I need RT to stop this blasted stuff from growing. I want to keep ahead of it.

05/01/2009 09:57
05/01/2009 09:57

Re: Radiation Therapy in US (Texas) Cost? X days X treatments?

Hi ,alan texas. Australia Calling/Adelaide. Did you know both Adelaide and Austin are sister cities .With regards to Rt I have had radiotherapy in Essen Germany on both hands and feet after many surgeries.The one thing is that Prof. Seegenschmiedt does not irradiate the whole hand but is selective in treating only the area where the nodules are. He is running side by side trials ,either the protocol of 7X3 Gy, or two sessions of 5X3 Gy with treatment administered on the second session ,being anything up to 6 months apart. He is evaluating the two to asses the lowest dose rate of RT. In the US, some protocol has been up to 60 Gy.In my case I only had 15 Gy on one hand to stop the progression. The secret seems to be to attack early and certainly before contraction. You made mention of the table top test . The protocol of the table top test is to rest the back of the hand on the table top (not the palm ) and with the hand outstretched your finger nails touch the surface .I had my first Rt in Sept 07 and so far am happy with the results. Finally I did not see you age mentioned. I personally would not have RT under 40 Yrs of age. Food for thought.Finally my cost was 3000 euros.However I had 2 separate areas treated on both hands and both feet with and addition of 2 extra treatments on one foot. Regards

Edited 05/01/09 13:03

05/03/2009 15:10
05/03/2009 15:10

Re: Radiation Therapy in US (Texas) Cost? X days X treatments?


Hi ,alan texas. Australia Calling/Adelaide. Did you know both Adelaide and Austin are sister cities .With The one thing is that Prof. Seegenschmiedt does not irradiate the whole hand but is selective in treating only the area where the nodules are.

I had the whole hand done as shown below (3x5 6 weeks 3x5). Dr Goode felt things (marked) that I didn't even know where there so surely it's better to treat the whole hand rather than risking a piecemeal (treating things as/if they appear) procedure?

Cambidgeshire, UK.

Edited 05/03/09 18:12

05/04/2009 01:34

not registered

05/04/2009 01:34

not registered

Re: Radiation Therapy in US (Texas) Cost? X days X treatments?

It will be two years in June 2009, since I received RT in Erlangen Germany. The total cost was 500 Euros for a series of two (2) treatments for both hands and feet. The size of the nodules and the pain in my feet reduced by 95%. Of two nodules in my right hand, one reduced and the other has grown, but remains soft. The nodule on my left index finger reduced in size, no longer swells, and is pain free. My treatment in Germany was a positive experience and since I can now walk without pain, successful. In addition to obtaining treatment from more qualified doctors (in my opinion), the cost of a trip to Germany and the treatment is less expensive than having treatment in the USA. I recommend Germany for RT!


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suggestions   Consultation   radiotherapy   Dupuytren’s   considerably   Therapy   Dupuytren   experience   treatment   Erlangen   Seegenschmiedt   contracture   appreciated   Germany   Cambidgeshire   Radiation   treatments   daughter-in-law   nodules   looking