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RT in Perth Australia
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12/18/2010 07:09
12/18/2010 07:09
RT in Perth Australia

Hi everyone,

Came across this site a couple of months ago after trying to find out more about DC.

My mother has had DC for around 7-8 years now and I noticed the first lump in my left hand around 12 months ago. Speaking to my GP about it at around the 6 month stage, he said there really wasn't much that could be done other than surgery when the contracture was in an advanced stage.

Being only 43 the thought of having hands in the condition of my mothers at the age of 50 was not good so I started investigating if there was any other possible treatments. That's when I found this site and read about RT.

I now have 3 nodules growing quickly, with the tightening of the skin very evident, so armed with RT information printed I saw my GP again and asked to be referred to Dr Chris Harper in Perth (contact information found on this site).

I saw Dr Harper last week and he has agreed to carry out RT, with treatment scheduled to start on Jan 10th in the usual 5 treatments with a six week break then another 5 treatments.

At least I feel I'm doing something positive rather than just waiting for the enevitable to happen!

Will let you know how the treatment goes.

Thanks for all the great information that I've come across on the site and forum.


12/18/2010 10:24


12/18/2010 10:24


Re: RT in Perth Australia

Best wishes and yes please keep us posted on your treatment and outcome.

12/19/2010 16:14
12/19/2010 16:14
Re: RT in Perth Australia


Good luck with your treatments... I believe doing RT at the early (nodules only) stages of the disease is a great decision.

I had RT in Nov. 09 for multiple nodules in my left hand and over a year later, the progression of the disease in the radiated area has stopped. The positive results are not immediate but the improvement continued months after the RT was completed.

Keep us posted of your progress.

12/20/2010 03:53
12/20/2010 03:53
Re: RT in Perth Australia

I think you will be pleased with the results of RT. Great that you used info to find your own radiologist. DC patients are a determined bunch.

Good luck and keep us posted.

12/20/2010 20:28
12/20/2010 20:28
Re: RT in Perth Australia

Hi everyone,

Came across this site a couple of months ago after trying to find out more about DC.

My mother has had DC for around 7-8 years now and I noticed the first lump in my left hand around 12 months ago. Speaking to my GP about it at around the 6 month stage, he said there really wasn't much that could be done other than surgery when the contracture was in an advanced stage.

Being only 43 the thought of having hands in the condition of my mothers at the age of 50 was not good so I started investigating if there was any other possible treatments. That's when I found this site and read about RT.

I now have 3 nodules growing quickly, with the tightening of the skin very evident, so armed with RT information printed I saw my GP again and asked to be referred to Dr Chris Harper in Perth (contact information found on this site).

I saw Dr Harper last week and he has agreed to carry out RT, with treatment scheduled to start on Jan 10th in the usual 5 treatments with a six week break then another 5 treatments.

At least I feel I'm doing something positive rather than just waiting for the enevitable to happen!

Will let you know how the treatment goes.

Thanks for all the great information that I've come across on the site and forum.


Recommendation for Your Treatment Schedule:

Do not use 6 weeks break > better 3 months !
That's the GERMAN PROTOCOL used by Professor Seegenschmiedt and other colleagues in Germany

This detail might be essential to avoid side-effects ! Good luck, Larry

12/21/2010 06:48
12/21/2010 06:48
Re: RT in Perth Australia

Thanks for your comments and support.

I went to the clinic today to get "measured up" for my treatment - ready to start in about 3 weeks now.

Thanks for your advice Larry, I'll speak to Dr. Harper about possibly delaying the second treatments when I start the first.


12/21/2010 09:39
12/21/2010 09:39

Re: RT in Perth Australia

Australia Calling.I've been away for half a year or so travelling. Hi Croc . Have you read the on- line publication from Prof. Seegenschmiedt's book Radiotherapy for Non-Malignant Disorders- re the procedure for RT. I do not know what stage you are at. The RT is best in the early stages before contaction. In 07 after a repeat surgery I went to Germany and was treated by Prof. Seegenschmiedt on both hands and on both feet. My right hand only received the 5X3 Gy treatment which was very successfull. My left hand had the full 30 Gy.which stopped the progression although I did have contraction in my index finger . I never experienced any after effects,however the treatment was administered by an Orthovoltage machine and not an Accelerator.The rays are somewhat softer. I did discuss the time frame between treatment and in my case it was 3 months between treatment, which the prof. thought may have been beneficial to gauge if any new nodules had appeared , which allowed him to expand the treatment area.
I did make contact with Dr.Harper's Secretary and he is fully aware of the procedure used by the prof.and may have even purchased his book. I would be interested on the cost if you are treated as a public/ private patient and how much Medicare pays out. During the treatment I used a creme containing Urea, recommended by the Prof. ,which helps retain the moisture in the skin. Hope this helps.

Edited 12/21/10 11:44

12/21/2010 19:34

not registered

12/21/2010 19:34

not registered

Re: RT in Perth Australia

good to see you on the board again newman, I was wondering what happened to you. Traveling. Now that is the life.

12/21/2010 23:12
12/21/2010 23:12
Re: RT in Perth Australia

good to see you on the board again newman, I was wondering what happened to you. Traveling. Now that is the life.

Hi Newman,

Great to see you back after long time and still no progression after radiotherapy !
I think it's not only the BOOK it's the PROF who makes the difference ... !? At least
in my case : he was very careful in examination , judgement and kind in conduct
of the treatment! I hope you share my impression ... Larry

12/22/2010 07:50
12/22/2010 07:50
Re: RT in Perth Australia

Hi Newman - In response to your query on cost; Treatment estimate is around 2,200 with Medicare refund around 850 plus a safetynet refund of around 200 leaving gap of about 1150.


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improvement   treatment   side-effects   enevitable   treatments   Australia   Radiotherapy   Orthovoltage   progression   Seegenschmiedt   recommended   administered   radiologist   Recommendation   Non-Malignant   information   contracture   investigating   tightening   examination