Seeking Advice About Treatment for Nodules - Please! |
02/28/2008 04:07
02/28/2008 04:07
Seeking Advice About Treatment for Nodules - Please!
I would really appreciate advice about treating Dupuytren’s nodules.
Two nodules appeared in my right hand (the palm and pinky finger) in mid-2007. I then I broke my left wrist in October 2007, and then twelve nodules developed in my left palm and on all five fingers within two months.
From what I have read I have several factors suggesting an aggressive progression of Dupuytren’s contracture: onset at age 43, family history of contracture (father, uncle, and grandfather), nodules in both hands, nodules in the thumb, and a knuckle pad. I even think I feel the slightest cord already developing in my left palm.
Two orthopedists, both hand specialists, told me there is no treatment for nodules. The second never heard of treating nodules with radiation therapy or cortisone injections, but then agreed to give me cortisone injections in each of the two nodules in my right hand.
I don’t know if I should continue to push for repeated cortisone injections, and I don’t even know how many, or how often is appropriate. Or should I immediately seek radiation treatment now?
It’s so strange to be in the position of having to make these decisions without the advice of a specialist, and really feel the need to get some advice from those of you who have already gone through this.
Thank you in advance for any information and advice you can provide!
Best regards, Martin (myesq)
02/28/2008 10:55
02/28/2008 10:55
Re: Seeking Advice About Treatment for Nodules - Please!
Hi Australia Calling Re Nodules. I have recently had a number of nodules treated with Radiotherapy.My case is different, in that after many surgeries the last on June 07 on my index finger (for the third time ) I developed a number of nodules in my right hand after surgery. It was after this I found out that RT was offered in Germany for MD. I was going to Germany so I decided and did see Prof Seegenschmiedt. He had not seen a patient with as many surgeries as me and sent me of to see a Hand Surgeon to consider if RT would be an option for me to stop or slow the disease. Now here is what you want to hear. I was told they usually treat patients in the early stages and the RT works better on the nodules than cords.Using the words from Prof. I think you are at the "watchful waiting period" which means you need to make sure that things have stabilized so that if you consider RT you dont want to miss the opportunity of missing any nodules that you cant feel.Have you documented the position of all the nodules?If not- Run you hand slightly over the skin and with a marking pen draw exact rings around the nodules. Take a photostat copy of the hand and date it . Take others at regular intervals which will provide you with good documentation. You dont have to have immediate RT as it would appear from your post only a few months have elapsed .Nearly forgot the nodules have all but gone. Regards
02/28/2008 16:28
02/28/2008 16:28
Re: Seeking Advice About Treatment for Nodules - Please!
I had similar early onset and multiple sites. In the 15 years since the first signs appeared, I've had 2 significant surgeries.
One thing I can tell you is that nodules may or may not develop into problems - a nodule can appear rather suddenly but remain relatively the same for many years. I wouldn't consider surgery for nodules. Whether RT or steroid injections prevent nodules from becoming problematic cords is an open question, but there seems to be indications that the answer is a cautious, qualified "yes".
This condition seems pretty alarming when you first find out you have it. As time passes you'll see that it's usually manageable, progresses unpredictably, and that non-surgical treatements for cords (should they develop) are opening up.
03/14/2008 02:26
03/14/2008 02:26
Re: Seeking Advice About Treatment for Nodules - Please!
From what I understand, the sooner the treatment, the better. My husband's cords didn't start forming until a while after the nodules. He had a fairly successful procedure, not 100% because he let it go far too long. He has been more than happy with the correction, but in the past few months, the nodules are coming back in the palm. We are checking to see if we can find someone in Denver to treat them with injections. Hopefully, by stopping the nodules, we are hoping to stop the formation of cords.
03/16/2008 21:23
03/16/2008 21:23
Re: Seeking Advice About Treatment for Nodules - Please!
I have a nodule that has been on my palm for quite some time. Last summer it grew to twice the size. Maybe because I was moving dirt with a wheelbarrow.
My hand hurts with these nodules. My fingers are not bent at all. What should I do about these nodules? I can use the hand but need to be careful not putting too much pressure on the palm.
03/17/2008 02:40
03/17/2008 02:40
Re: Seeking Advice About Treatment for Nodules - Please!
My husband's doctor, Dr. David Kline, believes that if you have the nodules treated early with radiology, then there is chance that the cords will not start to form, which is what causes the finger to bend. He works with a radiologist in Boise. He said that the radiologist would be willing to give directions on the procedure to any radiologist anywhere, who would be willing to give the treatments. I'm not sure what the latest is on the radiology treatments. Unfortunately, my husband waited too long and the disease had progressed too far to be a candidate. I would check out his website and give him a call. He seems to be more available over the phone then on the website. It's great that you caught it so early. Sandie
03/17/2008 05:40
03/17/2008 05:40
Re: Seeking Advice About Treatment for Nodules - Please!
Hi homeboymi, Australia Calling. Have you looked at the article relating to trauma. look under 'dupuytren contracture scroll through related articles. I have found for a long time I have used cotton gloves with rubber facing (for grip ) when ever I do any work. You need to look after you hands cream etc before starting manual work . The manual work could be a contributing factor to accelerate the disease.For a better understanding about 'nodules', I recommend looking at the full article from "LUCK 1959 " click on Surgery-technigues go to 'nodual fasciectomy' ( is a large pdf file . )It will give you a full appreciation of what happens to nodules and where they are located. ie some in the palm may not develope he reports cases of non growth for 20 years, You can be lucky you have not got them located on the pip joint. You say you have had the nodule for some time which grew to twice the size. Should you not have any cord formation or contraction it appears Radiotherapy is an option , and now would be the time to get advice on this option.