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Thick and difficult
12/26/2010 17:49
12/26/2010 17:49
Thick and difficult

I don't know if this has already been put on here at some time but in the summer when the heat was in the 100's both hands started to feel very tight. The right hand was the worst. As time went by it seemed to get a little better. But here we are in winter and i live in Missouri and the temps are crazy. Again my right hand feels thick, tight. Can't do alot using this hand because i have no grip and i keep dropping things. Its almost like it is so full of the disease that the hand doesn't want to work. Palm has no dip in it -its perfectly flat and of course it has cords. My radiation took care of nodules and i have no contractures. It will 1 year the first of March since i finished my treatments. I'm hoping its the cold weather that is doing this. Hands have been hurting but my left hand is so much better. Right hand doesn't belong to me. Is anybody having any of these problems?

Edited 12/28/10 16:58

12/27/2010 19:25
12/27/2010 19:25
Re: Thick and difficult


You know this might not be from your Dupuytrens. A lot of other things can cause swelling. I'd really suggest that you go see your internist, not a hand surgeon or orthopedist, and ask him or her to check you out to see what is causing the swelling. I'm just a pediatrician but I can think of a couple off the top of my head. It could be something treatable.

Good luck


contractures   finished   problems   orthopedist   dropping   radiation   something   swelling   perfectly   weather   Colleen   causing   difficult   internist   pediatrician   surgeon   treatable   treatments   Missouri   Dupuytrens