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08/18/2002 23:30
08/18/2002 23:30

To Mr. Pierre Poulot :
Sorry to say I find your comment almost insulting. If you would have read a bit more through these forums, you would clearly see that we are definitely aware of the existence of NA.
Since the majority of the people visiting this forum seem to be not from countries like Belgium, France, Switzerland ( tho I am ! ), the talk is mainly about surgery.
Btw, the forum www.dupuytren.org doesnt really say much about surgery !
So, let us all keep an open mind, ok ?

08/20/2002 23:44
Pierre Pouliot

not registered

08/20/2002 23:44
Pierre Pouliot

not registered

re: musician~sq~s forum

information is rarely taken as insult. I've read again all the postings in the musician's forum and no one mentions needle aponevrotomy. How can we keep an open mind and not consider a successfull alternative?
Pierre Pouliot,
not a member of any board, merely as Dr. Kline, a very happy patient who has undergone needle aponevrotomy by Dr. Lermusiaux.

08/20/2002 23:06
Gary Evans

not registered

08/20/2002 23:06
Gary Evans

not registered

Any musicians out there

This is all one forum with several threads. It is not as though people only read one thread, so you don't have to continually express your endorsement of your procedure as "the one". Nor do you have to be astonished that no one has heard of NA. Anyone who has taken the time to read the threads, knows about NA. Just as with surgery, people are different and have different results. NA is not necessarily the preferred procedure by most of the world and until the data supports the procedure, it won't be preferred.

08/22/2002 23:13
Chuck Jines

not registered

08/22/2002 23:13
Chuck Jines

not registered


Hi, Gary are you familiar with any info that would substantiate what the preferred world wide procedure for DP is?

If you're aware of any statistics (other than what the AMA might provide) I would appreciate learning what it is.


08/22/2002 23:36
Gary Evans

not registered

08/22/2002 23:36
Gary Evans

not registered

Any musicians out there?

Patients of DC have the right to choose the method of correction that they desire. Their choice is based either on knowledge or ignorance of what is available. The preferred choice as defined by the choice most often employed, is the fasciectomy. The dermofasciectomy is the second and the fasciotomy third.

08/22/2002 23:20
Chuck Jines

not registered

08/22/2002 23:20
Chuck Jines

not registered

Source of Info

Hi Gary, would you be so kind as to give me the source of your info? Do you have any non-biased data to support these conclusions?


08/22/2002 23:20
Gary Evans

not registered

08/22/2002 23:20
Gary Evans

not registered

Any musicians out there.

I don't source and document everything I read. If and when I run across the information again, you will be the first person I will contact. What part of the information do you have a problem? Obviously you are baiting me, so what is your point? Are you suggesting that there is another, more prolific procedure than surgery worldwide? Let us know if I am mistaken, we are here to learn.

08/22/2002 23:32
Chuck Jines

not registered

08/22/2002 23:32
Chuck Jines

not registered


Hi Gary, don't mean to irritate you, but I'm a stickler for facts not innuendo. As I've written before, you come across as a pusher for surgery above all alternatives, yet without any accompanying documentation.

It may be that the rheumatologists in France are ahead of their time. I remember that ulcers were for many years treated with antacids and drugs such as tagamet. Probably around 15 years ago I read of a physician that discovered that many if not most ulcers were a bacterial infection. I believe he was from Australia. It probably took 10+ years before treatment with antibiotics and bismuth was accepted by the AMA. Very conservative organization, perhaps rightly so in many cases, wrongly in others.

08/22/2002 23:18
Gary Evans

not registered

08/22/2002 23:18
Gary Evans

not registered

Any musicians out there?

I am not irritated, believe me. I could care less what form of treatment that anyone chooses. I didn't say surgery was right or wrong, only that it is the most common form of treatment. For me ((90 degrees) surgery was about my only option. If anything else would have been available, with any kind of a track record, I would have jumped at it. I'm just not into being the first in the US to have NA done, even if it is suggested by some to be fantastic and without problems. I was uncertain about the surgery. I had the opportunity to talk with several people who had surgery and they all (every one) had positive experiences. My surgery was a positive experience also and that, plus what I have read is all that I base my feelings. I am not saying it is better or worse than other procedures, it was my only choice.

I do know that my insurance company would have wanted me to choose a cheaper alternative if one was available. They do not like to pay higher medical cost either.

08/22/2002 23:32

not registered

08/22/2002 23:32

not registered

several items

I agree, Chuck, that the AMA is overly conservative at times. And that the FDA is slow.
Also, to Pierre, I say stick with what is best for you, no need to listen to the naysayers.
Another thought: anyone found any info yet on why DC starts near the ring finger in so many cases? Also, been reading web metabolic info on DC, now i'm looking for neurological info. Number of times the word 'info' used in this post: 4

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