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Guitar/keyboard with DD
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03/22/2000 23:55

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03/22/2000 23:55

not registered

Guitar/keyboard with DD

I am just starting to get some more rapid expression of dimpling in both hands, with some pain/buzz in one hand. My father had quite severe contracture in at least one hand.

I am wondering if there are any musicians who have had to work around this condition. I am an avid amateur pianist and have noticed that I have decreasing flexibility in my ring fingers.

03/22/2000 23:25
03/22/2000 23:25
Guitar/keyboard with DD

Mike, sorry to have the company. I have nodule/contracture at base of left thumb that has limited my stretch (formerly easy 10th span now a tight, sometimes uncomfortable 9th).

Primary problem as guitarist (formerly?) is nodules in the center (PIP) knuckles of index and middle fingesr (palmar side) which likewise preclude technique (barre chord) or hinder other chordal and lead work. (The problem that ultimately killed the guitar was more the swelling surrounding the index nodule vs. the nodule per se). I've tried cortisone injections with mixed results, visited the Stonybrook study was not accepted (other than being full, owing to the fact that it is not oriented toward the finger nodules). If your contracture is severe enough, you might, conceptually be eligible, although I suspect they're still full in the trials. As of the visit last August, they thought they were two years away from FDA approval for the clostridial collagenase injections. I've made inquiries in this forum re: the topical collagenase but haven't had any feedback.

Other than the various supplements, etc. mentioned frequently or even occassionally in the Web literature (Vitamin E, selenium, coenzyme Q10/ubiquinone, antioxidants in general, etc.), I've recently made some major changes in my diet which seem to have impact, alteast on the perception of pain as well as the varying hardness and redness of the nodules/contractions. With the concurrence of my hand surgeon, have recently undertaken non-Western alternatives, chiropractry and soon acupuncture.

Would be happy to give any details/feedback if you e-mail directly. Would also like to compare notes with you or other musicians. Best of luck in any event and keep up the hope, Barry

05/02/2000 23:04

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05/02/2000 23:04

not registered

dupuytren disease-pianist

I'm 63 and have just received a diagnosis of Dupuytren disease. The fourth finger flexed at 30°.
This appeared after 2 years of no practising the piano, for external reasons (I used to play a minimum of two hours a day all my life).
Is there any relation between the fact I interrupted playing and the apparition of the disease? Does anyone has any testimony of similar facts? Is this disease related with musical practice?

05/04/2000 23:01
Lyle Brunson

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05/04/2000 23:01
Lyle Brunson

not registered


I am a 53 year old diabetic (type 2) with a big ugly lump in the palm of my LEFT hand under the ring finger.

I used to play the mandolin a lot. The right hand of a mandolin player only holds a plectrum, so the right fingers don't flex much. But the left hand has to get into some pretty contorted positions, and the ring finger is by far the most important. (It almost always has the largest callous on it's tip.)

I presume there is some connection. I have been thinking of taking it up again, but I wonder if it would make me worse? My blood sugar is under controll now, and the lump hasn't been getting any bigger. But then, I haven't been playing the mandolin either.

05/26/2000 23:26
Paul Hirsh

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05/26/2000 23:26
Paul Hirsh

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me too

I'm a musician, playing saxophone and other instruments including panpipes. I've just been told that two lumps on my palm under my right ring finger are the beginning of dupuytren's disease which I had never heard of. This finger is the one I balance the treble end of the panpipe on. I was told that it was easily cured by "ampelopsi vechii bg mac(erated?)and gly". This comes from the arsenal of gemmotherapy or germotherapy. The consultation was free and I mustn't berate the charming doctor's handwriting!

07/13/2000 23:28

not registered

07/13/2000 23:28

not registered


I have played the guitar for 27 years. In 1998 I turned 40 and had major surgery on both shoulders. I am epileptic and Diabetic. After the first surgey I ended up back in the hospital because the anestesia combined with the Tegretol I was taking for Epilepsy shut my liver down.

After getting out of the hospital I began to notice lumps on my palms. I was told it was D.D. I was also told that all 4 of the above conditions (male over 40, diabetes, epilepsy, and liver problems). all contribute to the disease.

My hands are so swollen that I can't make a fist anymore and playing my guitars is out of the questiion.

I also have lumps on the major tendons of my feet, so even walking is becoming more difficult.

I sympathize with all the musicians who can know longer express their passion through music as I can't.

Good Luck to all of you.

10/17/2000 23:46
derek lang

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10/17/2000 23:46
derek lang

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Duputren~sq~s disease-

I am a pianist and teacher and have recently undergone surgery for the above problem. I am told that it may recur has anyone else had experience of such surgery? what has the recovery time been? was it a success? I am 64 years of age now, and have played classical and other forms of music all my life. I am not aware that this problem was inhereted in any way I would be glad to hear from anyone in the same position.

10/17/2000 23:17
Walt Stagner

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10/17/2000 23:17
Walt Stagner

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Hand drummer

I've played guitar for years on/off. Playing makes my contraction worse because the fingers curve toward the palm. So nightly I lay on my hand to try to flatten it as much as possible w/o pain. I'm on both topical Verapamil and just started on Mannatech Ambrotose, etc.

11/08/2000 23:58

not registered

11/08/2000 23:58

not registered

Hand drummer

I'm a 55 yr-old hand drummer who began playing congas and djembe bout 9 years ago. A couple of years later I started
getting the symptoms, left hand. Three nodules. Some time
later, I had a chiropractor do some ultrasound treatment on
it, along with some massage. It would "soften" and break up
the bumps somewhat, but they'd be back again in a couple of days. After a few months of that, I stopped the treatment.
More recently, I started taking glucosamine supplements, on the recommendation of another chiropractor. In recent weeks, I've noticed a definite reduction in the size of the bumps.
One of them I can't even find any more. So is this the beginning of the end? Is the next stage setting in, where the bumps disappear and the finger starts curling in? I can't say for sure. I know the ring finger doesn't extend
100% as it may once have done, but it's not noticeably worse than a year ago that I can tell. I am noticing, though, that it's harder to get certain sounds out of the drum with that hand, and this could be a warning signal. I'll stop for now with these questions:
1. Anyone out there noticed reduction in bumps(s) WITHOUT concurrent curling in of finger(s)? If so, do you know to what to attribute it?
2. Anyone have any experience with using glucosamine?
Thanks for any feedback.

03/26/2001 23:39
Ed Dilley

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03/26/2001 23:39
Ed Dilley

not registered

Immediate surgery

I’m a 42 year old guitar player, and have just been diagnosed with Dupuytren's in my left hand. I’m in a bit of a panic about this, as I’ve been playing since I was about 12, and it’s one my great passions. The condition came on suddenly, and is progressing very rapidly, which coupled with the proclamation that I am a guitar player, resulted in my doctors’ recommendation for immediate surgery (plastic). I’ve read discussions on both sides of the fence here, and plan to continue playing … if this thing drags me down, I’ll only go kicking and screaming. Any thoughts or suggestions about the immediate surgery?

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musicians   fingers   surgery   Dupuytren~sq~s   recommendation   professional   playing   uncomfortable   Dupuytrens   Aponevrotomy   dermofasciectomy   alternative   contracture   pianist   obsessive-compulsive   non-professional   disease-pianist   nodules   dupuytren   rheumatologists