Needle Aponevrotomy experiences |
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12/04/2005 23:52
Francesnot registered
12/04/2005 23:52
Francesnot registered
Dear Dr Denkler,
Thank you so much for going to France. I know it's a burden and really appreciate the time you are taking from your practice to do this.
Bon Voyage, Frances
12/04/2005 23:39
Billnot registered
12/04/2005 23:39
Billnot registered
NA in America
In my experience, American doctors know all about NA. Whether they accpet it or promote it is a different story. It seems that they do see any long term studies and have concerns about nerve damage or see it as an alternative for elderly patients who are not good candidates for surgery. The doctors seem to know all about this. My hand surgeon did and so did my family doctor.
12/05/2005 23:43
12/05/2005 23:43
updating list of N.A. doctors
Hi all,
The list of M.D.s performing N.A.* I presented recently has only U.S. doctors because I had saved those in various locations in my files.
*(N.A. is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure for Dupuytrens which effectively breaks the cords which cause contraction of the fingers, thereby releasing them. It seems to have a very good safety record so far. Dr.Eaton was apparently the first to do this procedure in the United States and his website is an excellent source of information: )
I didn't have the time/patience to go back and trace the addresses of those outside U.S.
If you have those, or want to search them out, please let me know and I will amend the list to ad them.
FRANCES--your idea of identifying doctors with French training is a good one and I had thought of that too, but don't have the info. at my fingertips. I can update the list periodically, or ANYONE ELSE CAN TOO. IT'S "OURS" not mine. I don't know who was doing this before but it hadn't been posted for awhile.
01/07/2006 23:28
Ulyssenot registered
01/07/2006 23:28
Ulyssenot registered
needle aponevrotomy
I had 2 aponevrotomy with needle treatments with dr. Rappopport in Switzerland with great success. Unfortunatly I have a sever case and after over 3 years it has come back on my left hand, level 3. As I live in Canada (BC) and that we have now a trained doc with the method, it is cheaper for me to have it here. My question is: those of you out there who had the treatment with dr. H.Spacek in Montreal, are you happy with her level of expertise. Thanks.
01/07/2006 23:34
Francesnot registered
01/07/2006 23:34
Francesnot registered
searching for NA surgeon
Who is the trained doctor that you are referring to?
01/10/2006 23:42
stevnot registered
01/10/2006 23:42
stevnot registered
searching for NA surgeon
Has anyone any information regarding travelling from UK to France to have NA? Any advice on how to contact surgeons who perform this procedure, has anyone had both hands done at the same time. Also, is there anyone yet performing this operation in the UK? Any information gratefully received.
02/07/2006 23:10
Jannot registered
02/07/2006 23:10
Jannot registered
I have just come across this foram. I had an operation for Ledderhose Dis ease similar to Dupuytres's this is in both of my feet. This operation I had led to major complications. Not knowing at the time this person who operated on me was not a fully qualified orthopaidic surgeon and he was from a third world country has not made my situation any better. I have been reading this foram with much interest can anyone who has had Ledderhose Disease operated on PLEASE help
05/14/2006 23:41
Bill Bellowsnot registered
05/14/2006 23:41
Bill Bellowsnot registered
Location of doctors.
Is there a doctor in upstate New York doing NA?
05/15/2006 23:43
Randy H.not registered
05/15/2006 23:43
Randy H.not registered
Gor for It!
Here is the entire list. Looks like Press is your man.
LIST OF DOCTORS OFFERING NEEDLE APONEUROTOMY* TREATMENT FOR DUPUYTRENS CONTRACTURE IN U.S. (Updated 12/11/05) please let us know of any corrections or additions
*(N.A. is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure for Dupuytrens which effectively breaks the cords which cause contraction of the fingers, thereby releasing them. The procedure has been available in France for many years with an excellent safety record and was introduced in the U.S. in 2003 by Dr. Charles Eaton. Since then a number of other doctors have begun offering N.A. to their patients as an alternative to open hand surgery.
Charles Eaton, M.D. and Paul Zidel, M.D. (FT) CERTIFIED HAND SURGEONS The Hand Center 1002 Old Dixie Hwy, Suite 105 Jupiter, FL 33458 Phone: 561-746-3420
David Kline, M.D (FT) BOARD CERTIFIED EMERGENCY ROOM PHYSICIAN Dupuytren's Clinic Holy Rosary Medical Center 351 SW 9th St Ontario, OR 97914 phone: 208-344-5628
William Bourland, M.D. CERTIFIED HAND SURGEON The Hand Clinic 6286 Briarcrest Avenue Memphis, TN 38120 Appointments: 901-259-1600 or 901-259-1684
Keith Denkler, M.D. (FT) CERTIFIED HAND SURGEON 275 Magnolia Larkspur, CA 94939 Phone: 415-924-6010
Gary Pess, M.D. (FT) CERTIFIED HAND SURGEON Central Jersey Hand Surgery 2 Industrial way West Eatontown NJ 07724 Phone: 732-542-4477
Prosper Benhaim, M.D. Associate Professor of Hand Surgery CERTIFIED HAND SURGEON 200 UCLA Medical Plaza, Suite 140 Los Angeles, CA 90095-6902 Hand Center: (310) 794-7784 Information and referral (310) 825-7001 Information
Terrence J. Barry, M.D. (FT) ORTHOPAEDICS BOARD CERTIFIED 3802 NE 207 St #2302 Miami, FL 33180 Phone: 305-822-6000 Fax: 305-557-5904
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