Visit and treatment by Dr.Eaton Jupiter Florida |
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04/19/2005 23:14
Judynot registered
04/19/2005 23:14
Judynot registered
Not too far
It did nothing for me. My finger is at 87 degrees still. What's Dr. Eaton's first name? Maybe I went to the wrong one. I think I'll try proven surgery.
04/20/2005 23:44
Quicksilvernot registered
04/20/2005 23:44
Quicksilvernot registered
Congratulations Randy
Congratulations on your successful NA procedure. I hope it is a long time before you visit Dr. Eaton again. I am troubled by your statement that NA may not be repeatable for frequent recurrent of NA. How recurrent …1 year, two years? I am probably a two year repeater.
You are a most valuable asset to this forum. We value your knowledge and humor. Do not let the lamer get you down. We recognize your style.
04/20/2005 23:57
Mr. Anderson not registered
04/20/2005 23:57
Mr. Anderson not registered
Thanks for the kind words regarding the individual *not* currently posting as "Randy H." Don't worry about him. He'll be Troll Proof soon enough and show everyone how to protect themselves from this coward. Our Troll(s) will be done in shortly.
04/20/2005 23:32
Mr. Jones not registered
04/20/2005 23:32
Mr. Jones not registered
Eaton informed me that he has learned from seeing patients in France that *eventually* what were discernible cords *can* become more and more diffuse in some cases. He didn't say how may NA's in the exact same spot are needed for this to happen. Hopefully he will update his site with this info, or someone here who sees him next can have the presence of mind to ask him. (I was kind'a busy with a needle in my hand and all.)
04/20/2005 23:15
Graemenot registered
04/20/2005 23:15
Graemenot registered
"There is anectodal evidence suggesting a greater rate of recurrence with NA v. OS" I would like to put forward a proposition that this statement is wrong. It is wrong because there is strong evidence that many of the patients resorting to NA have had prior OS surgery and have looked for better ways. Those who have gone on from OS to NA probably have a more aggressive form of the disease and they will therefore distort recurrence statisical data. To achieve a reliable statistical model requires careful analytical detective work so as avoid false outcomes. God forbid trying to shape a statistical model that factors in : congenital prediposition - aggressive or non- aggressive forms of the disease; trauma; alcoholism; diabeties - and so on.
04/20/2005 23:13
04/20/2005 23:13
Your statement could just as easily be flip-flopped as suggested in critical remarks about the French date. That surgeries were often performed after NA that didn't work. I don't think any thing is gained either way.
"I would like to put forward a proposition that this statement is wrong. It is wrong because there is strong evidence that many of the patients resorting to NA have had prior OS surgery and have looked for better ways. Those who have gone on from OS to NA probably have a more aggressive form of the disease and they will therefore distort recurrence statisical data."
04/21/2005 23:54
Mr. Jones not registered
04/21/2005 23:54
Mr. Jones not registered
The Troll is only inches away from Death now
It will be five years or so until the more meticulous US NA data collectors have anything definitive to publish. As I've reported, Eaton isn't going to wait until he has that kind of longer-term data. Instead he's just going *straight* to the 2006 convention of CHS with a presentation for "interested parties". (Let's make them "interested" shall we?) NA, having been "dumped in his lap" by *this* little web site that Could, has a champion who has a mind to work within the system for change.
Let's keep in mind the absolute *fact* that recurrence after NA is not *nearly* as big a deal as recurrence after OS, where the Three Strikes Law (4 for good behavior) will be strictly enforced by Nature. Once NA is available in every metropolitan aria in the US......(No, you small minded Nationalist....The World!), all we need do is drive across town and then back with a baggie of ice in our hand. NA is about like having a cavity filled without the sound of Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. You can *feel* the vibrations of the Dups being attached by the needle. Creepy yes.....*but*, at least there is no Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! And the smell of pulverized teeth!
Mr. Jones,
(The poster who is soon going to put an *end* to this Toll *nonsense* once and for all.)
04/22/2005 23:12
Randy H. not registered
04/22/2005 23:12
Randy H. not registered
The Actual Numbers
Having paid the bill (OK, used American Express), Eaton charges $200 for the consultation, plus $500 per finger. Probing around in your palm with a 20 gauge needle......*Priceless* (no charge apparently). In all, he spent over an hour with me (and my endless questions about NA and his view as an American trained CHS of it's proper place in Dups treatment)
04/22/2005 23:08
Imasnot registered
04/22/2005 23:08
Imasnot registered
Needle size
Congratulations on your successful NA results performed by Doctor Eaton.
You stated that Doctor Eaton used a 20 guage needle. My information is that a 25 guage needle is used, and some doctors in France use a 26 guage. Using a small guage needle, of course, is used for a purpose. It allows physicians to slide the needle around tendons and nerves easier while performing the NA procedure. If a 20 guage needle was used during the procedure: GREAT. Would you verify if a 20 gauge needle was used during your procedure. Thanks.
04/24/2005 23:48
Johnnot registered
04/24/2005 23:48
Johnnot registered
More info
Hello, I just got a diagnosis of Dupytrens. And saw Dr. Eaton's web site. Does Insurance usually pay for this procedure? How long did it take to get in to see him?
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