Address and membership application

Address of the International Dupuytren Society

The International Dupuytren Society is managed by volunteers in addition to their normal jobs. We don’t have a staffed office and you can reach Dupuytren Society best by writing to

          International Dupuytren Society

          Westerbuchberg 60b

          83236 Uebersee


or by e-mail to


Membership application

We invite everyone to become a member of the International Dupuytren Society and to support it. We charge a small membership fee and we welcome donations and any other kind of support for spreading and improving information on Dupuytren’s and Ledderhose disease and its treatments. Please fill out below membership application form and return it to the above post address or e-mail address. Members can be private individuals or country organizations that share our goals. Commercial companies or clinics cannot join the International Dupuytren Society. Of course we do welcome doctors as members, their expertise and support is more than welcome!

In some countries the International Dupuytren Society is represented by country organization which can provide local support and issue tax receipts for donations. US citizens may consider joining the Dupuytren Foundation, UK citizens the British Dupuytren’s Society and German citizens the Deutsche Dupuytren-Gesellschaft.

Membership appplication form for the International Dupuytren Society:



After we received your application your membership has to be approved by the International Dupuytren Society.


Page last modified: 01/12/2025