Dupuytren literature
Research on Dupuytren's disease and Dupuytren's contracture
Ch. Eaton summarizes the current stage of knowledge of disease and treatment options in his presentation on „Dupuytren’s biology and treatment“ 2012_philadelphia. Another detailed overview is provided by S. Mathew et al. „Dupuytren Contracture“ in emedicine. An excellent, very extensive and sorted list of (full text) literature, including historical publications, is provided by the Dupuytren Research Group DRG_literature_archive.
Patients and MDs from the UK might have a look at e.g. BMJ_Dupuytren’s Contracture . Also from the UK is A Bayat and DA McGrouther „Management of Dupuytren’s Disease – Clear Advice for an Elusive Condition“ Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 88 (2006) p 3–8 full_text.
Overviews of treatment options:
Mafi R, Hindocha S and Khan W „Recent Surgical and Medical Advances in the Treatment of Dupuytren’s Disease – A Systematic Review of the Literature“ Open Orthop J 6 (2012): 77–82 full_text. – Annet van Rjissen and Paul MN Werker „Treatment for Dupuytren’s Disease: An overview of options“ in Eaton et al. (Eds) „Dupuytren’s Disease and Related Hyperproliferative Disorders“ Springer, 2012, p 35-43 (= chapter 5) abstract.
A review of research on the root causes of Dupuytren’s contracture, its development stages, and related diseases and heritage is given by Alan J. Thurston „Dupuytren’s disease“ J. Bone and Joint Surgery Br. 85-B (2003) p. 469-477 full_article. This article does not discuss therapies. – A related aspect, also communicated by Alan J. Thurston, might be „Bone spurs: Mechanism of production of different shapes based on observations in Dupuytren’s diathesis“ ANZ Journal of Surgery 72 (2002) p 290-293(4) abstract.
There are several PhD thesises published in the Internet that also provide a good overview of the disease, its etiology and therapies. Examples are Stephan Wilbrand „Dupuytren’s Contracture: Features and Consequences “ (Upsalla, 2002, now available as paperback), JP Moermans „Place of Segmental Aponeurectomy in the Treatment of Dupuytren’s disease“ (Brussels, 1997) full_text. and, more recent and partially published in the Internet, Ilse Degreef „
University of Erlangen summarizes the results of 50 years of surgical experience: Bernd Loos, Valerij Puschkin, and Raymund Horch „50 years experience with Dupuytren’s contracture in the Erlangen University Hospital – A retrospective analysis of 2919 operated hands from 1956 to 2006“ BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2007; 8: 60 full_text
One of the classical publications on Dupuytren’s contracture, 50 years old and still very worth reading is J. Vernon Luck „Dupuytren’s Contracture: A New Concept of the Pathogenesis Correlated with Surgical Management“ J Bone Joint Surg Am. 41 (1959) 635 – 664. Full_text_PDF published with approval from The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Inc.
Another older but still interesting article, strongly advocating dermofasciectomy, is John Hueston „The role of the skin in Dupuytren’s disease“ Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 67 (1985) p 372 -375. Full text.
Canadian research suggests that “the involvement of these wound healing-associated proteins in Dupuytren Disease supports the notion that this disease may be an exaggerated form of wound healing“. Cited from Jeffrey C. Howard et al., „Wound Healing-Associated Proteins Hsp47 and Fibronectin Are Elevated in Dupuytren’s Contracture“, Journal of Surgical Research 117 (2004) p 232–238. This might explain the observation that damage of the hand, by accident or by surgery, can trigger Dupuytren’s disease.
A lab study on nodules and cords concludes „These in vitro studies support the hypothesis that fibroblasts derived from Dupuytren’s contracture nodules change their phenotype after undergoing repeated cell passage, acquiring a cord-like fibroblast phenotype. Dupuytren’s nodules represent the early, active form of fibrosis in which cells are more proliferative.“ Moyer KE; Banducci DR; Graham WP 3rd; Ehrlich HP „Dupuytren’s disease: physiologic changes in nodule and cord fibroblasts through aging in vitro.“ Plastic and reconstructive surgery 110 (2002) 187-93; discussion 194-6.
Rayan postulates that a non-typical Dupuytren’s contracture showing the same symptoms but different prognosis should be researched and treated seperately: GM Rayan and J Moore „Non-Dupuytren’s disease of the palmar fascia“ J Hand Surg [Br] 30 (2005) p 551-6 abstract_Rayan.
Pathogenesis, cellular and genetic background, associated conditions
Albrecht Meinel „Dupuytren contracture – how fibromatosis remodels the palmar subcutaneous tissue and its fibrous environment“ Advances in Surgical Sciences 2013; 1(3): 11-16. Full_text; and A Meinel „Palmar fibromatosis or the loss of flexibility of the palmar finger tissue: a new insight into the disease process of Dupuytren contracture“ in Ch. Eaton et al. (eds.) „Dupuytren’s disease and related hyperproliferative disorders“ (Springer, Berlin 2012):11-20.
A video on pathogenesis by the Dupuytren Foundation http://youtu.be/ZPpksYkj_o8
Genome-wide association study (GWAS): G. Dolmans et al. „Wnt Signaling and Dupuytren’s Disease“ N Engl J Med 365 (2011): 307-17 Wnt_signalling_full_text (winner of the Dupuytren Award 2012).
Review article: T.A. Wynn „Cellular and molecular mechanisms of fibrosis“ J Pathol 214 (2008) p 199–210 full_text.
George Murrell „An insight into Dupuytren’s contracture“ Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (1992) vol. 74, 156-161 full_text. A summary of Murrell’s interpretation of Dupuytren’s caused by oxygen free radicals.
Basics of Dupuytren’s disease and associated conditions are discussed in MG Hart and G Hooper „Clinical Associations of Dupuytren’s Disease“ Postgrad Med J 81 (2005):425-428 full text.
Occupation / sports related:
Examples that occupation might aggravate Dupuytren’s are
AJ Logan et al. „Can rock climbing lead to Dupuytren’s disease?“ Br J Sports Med. 2005 Sep;39(9):639-44. abstract.
Dieuwke Broekstra et al. „Dupuytren disease is highly prevalent in male field hockey players aged over 60 years“ Br J Sports Med (201&) doi:10.1136/bjsports-2016-096236 abstract .
About every 5 years a book reflecting the current knowledge is published on Dupuytren’s disease. Those books usually address the medical community and are expensive. Some might be available as ebook and can be bought by chapter. Recent examples include
Important note: e-book versions of below books are generally not available for free download, except in some libraries of some countries, e.g. the USA. Websites claiming to provide a free download will be likely to be scam sites that are after your personal information! Complete ebooks, but also individual chapters, can be bought from the publishing company.
L. Hurst, M. Badalamente, D. Komatsu „Dupuytren’s Disease: A Scientific Review“, Elsevier 2023, ISBN 978-0-443-11487-8 , https://shop.elsevier.com/books/dupuytrens-disease/hurst/978-0-443-11487-8
P. Werker, J. Dias, Ch. Eaton, B. Reichert, W. Wach (eds) „Dupuytren Disease and Related Diseases – The Cutting Edge“, Springer 2016, ISBN 978-3-319-32199-8, http://www.springer.com/de/book/9783319321974
C Eaton, MH Seegenschmiedt, A Bayat, G Gabbiani, P Werker, W Wach „Dupuytren’s Disease and Related Hyperproliferative Disorders“ Springer, 2012. ISBN 978-3-642-22696-0, read_online.
Peter Brenner and Ghazi M. Rayan „Morbus Dupuytren – a concept of surgical treatment“ (Springer, New York, 2003).
Raoul Tubiana, C Leclercq, LC Hurst, MA Badalmente, E Mackin „Dupuytren’s Disease“ Martin Dunitz, 2000. ISBN: 1-85317-475-0 preview_with_some_chapters .
Alfred Berger, A Belbrueck, P Brenner „Dupuytren’s Disease: Pathobiochemistry and Clinical Management“ Springer, 1994. ISBN 3540572392, 9783540572398.
Robert M McFarlane, DA McGrouther, MH Flint „Dupuytren’s disease“ Churchill Livingstone, 1990. ISBN 044303818X, 9780443038181.
History of Dupuytren’s Disease
A good overview of th history of Dupuytren disease, it’s description, treatments, miracle cures, and related sagas is provided on the website of the British Dupuytren’s Society http://dupuytrens-society.org.uk/stories/history/ , continued on http://dupuytrens-society.org.uk/hand-problems-and-miracle-cures/.
Other contributions and comments
A blog on recent research and worth reading is on the web site of The Dupuytren Foundation http://dupuytrenfoundation.blogspot.com/.
This might be a good place to indicate that this disease, though named after Guillaume Dupuytren, could with equal (or better) justification be named after Astley Cooper who described it earlier in his book „A Treatise on Dislocations and Fractures of the Joints“ (1822), including fasciotomy as a surgical intervention (Alan Thurston (2003) Dupuytren’s disease or Cooper’s contracture?: Kenneth Fitzpatrick Russell Memorial Lecture ANZ Journal of Surgery 73 (7) , 529–535 abstract). The first description of this disease is by Felix Platter in 1614 who falsly interpreted it as tendon contracture.
For research regarding specific therapies, please refer to the relevant pages of this web site.
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