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Couple of questions
09/22/2015 12:13
09/22/2015 12:13
Couple of questions

I'm 42 and was diagnosed about a year ago with dupuytren's with a nodule on my left middle finger and thicken of the tendon on my index finger on the same hand. I also have knuckle padding on both hands that none of the doctors I had seen knew what they were until I was diagnosed by a specialist. In the last 12 months I have developed an additional nodule on my left ring finger, as well as nodules on my right pinky, ring and middle fingers of my right hand, with the weird thickening on the tendon to my right index finger. They all hurt to varying degrees, some days worse than others. I don't have any contraction yet, but I can feel tightening in my palms compared to just a few months ago.

I don't know a whole lot about dupuytren's. I wasn't overly concerned at first, especially since my doctors didn't seem very concerned themselves. I think the first two I saw didn't even know what it is (military docs). I am assuming from some brief reading that this could be considered an aggressive case?

I have gone in to complain about it several times as they hurt, but I keep getting told there is nothing that can be done until they contract to a certain point. I am kind of stuck with the doctors I have to deal with being military, though I will be retiring within the year. Not sure how the VA docs will be.

What can I do to help this?

What sort of treatments can I try to seek out?

Edited 09/22/15 15:16

09/22/2015 12:32
09/22/2015 12:32

Re: Couple of questions

Hello RedHaze. At this stage, without contraction, you could look into radiation therapy (RT) for one or the other nodule in the "right" early, active stage for such treatment, and try to keep pressure that hurts away from them. Just my advice from a fellow sufferer a few years further down the DD road, not professional medical advice. Have a look around http://www.dupuytren-online.info/radiation_therapy.html

Edited 09/22/15 15:32

09/22/2015 14:05


09/22/2015 14:05


Re: Couple of questions

Welcome to the forum RedHaze

Stefan is right, not much in the way of treatment to be done before contracture, except RT if the symptoms indicate active progression (which it sounds like they do). Otherwise keep a record of symptoms, changes, review risk factors, some protection for your hands if you do sports or manual labour type of work, and investigate who you can have RT with.

Lots of info on our site, happy reading, come back when ready with more questions.

Best wishes SB

09/22/2015 19:26
09/22/2015 19:26
Re: Couple of questions

Thanks for the reply guys. Doctors never mentioned radiation treatment as an option. I guess I have reading to do.

09/24/2015 11:37
09/24/2015 11:37
Re: Couple of questions

When you say nodes in your fiingers, are they actually in the fingers or in your palm? All of my nodes are in my palms.

themselves   progression   diagnosed   contracture   professional   concerned   tightening   dupuytren   treatment   dupuytren-online   contraction   radiation   treatments   specialist   aggressive   questions   especially   considered   investigate   doctors