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Dr Eaton did my NA yesterday
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01/13/2010 15:48
01/13/2010 15:48
Dr Eaton did my NA yesterday

I'm totally impressed with the procedure, the doctor, and the result. It took about 30 minutes to evaluate my hand and discuss the treatment and another 25 to do the procedure. Only pain during the procedure was for the pinpricks to administer anesthetic to the skin and a couple of little jabs of the needle. I've had no pain afterwards and my fingers open completely, which they haven't done for years. I'm so glad that I did not go the full surgery route with weeks of rehabilitation afterwards. NA seems like the perfect answer, at least in my case and I hope that I'll be trouble free for several years.

01/14/2010 03:37
01/14/2010 03:37
Re: Dr Eaton did my NA yesterday

I would suggest that you consider radiation therapy which seems to be the only thing at this point that stops the progression of Dupuytren's. Maybe you won't have it recur, but others have had contracture again after NA. I didn't take the chance. I had NA to release the contracture followed by RT 3 months later to stop the progression. It's always your call, but I'd suggest that you look at the research links in the left column and the postings by others on this Forum.

01/18/2010 02:43
01/18/2010 02:43
Re: Dr Eaton did my NA yesterday

Yes - he did mine last month. Ain't it great! I look at my flat hand every morning and just beam. Charley Eaton ROCKS!

02/06/2010 16:27
02/06/2010 16:27
Re: Dr Eaton did my NA yesterday

I am almost seven months past my NA with Dr. Eaton for a little finger PIP 66 degree contraction.
With minimal discomfort, he released it to 0 degrees and it is still perfectly straight.
I wore the night splint as directed for three months and continue to use it most nights.
You couldn't have said it better - Eaton rocks!

02/06/2010 23:49
02/06/2010 23:49
Re: Dr Eaton did my NA yesterday

Now I'm really starting to get excited. I had NA on PIP little finger in 2006, it came back after six months... I'm having NA re-done by Dr. Eaton (this time) on March 15th. and I'm hoping to have longer-lasting results the second time around.

I will follow it up with a round of RT after he hopefully straightens out my contracture.

I will post on this forum after these procedures.

Wearing the night brace for a very long time seems to be the right thing to do.

02/08/2010 12:57
02/08/2010 12:57
Re: Dr Eaton did my NA yesterday

Good luck LubaM!

Some other things I was careful with after NA:

Protect the skin of your hands - avoid any tight gripping and stretching. Keep the skin soft and supple. I use the Aveeno hand moisturizer (suggested by a poster on this forum) throughout the day. The medical literature shows that stretching force increases the activity of the myofibroblasts, the muscle-like contractile cells of our nodules that secrete the collagen fibers that associate to form the cord. I use gel-filled bicycling gloves for any gripping - weights, raking, etc. Hold the steering wheel with a loose grip. Dr. Eaton suggested getting the push up grips that swivel for yoga mat work rather than placing the weight-bearing hands flat on the floor. The cord is not removed with NA and I can feel it harden and soften at different times, so it definitely seems to respond to different activities and inflammation.

These are just some habits I've gotten into to avoid new contractures and to prevent relapse.

Best wishes.

02/08/2010 13:03
02/08/2010 13:03
Re: Dr Eaton did my NA yesterday

On the night splint -

I decided to have mine made in the lab right next door to the Hand Center. I figured that they knew what they were doing and I was uncertain that a therapist back home in upstate NY would know exactly how to form it according to Dr. Eaton's directions. The therapist was extremely pleasant and formed a very comfortable splint for me. If you want to do this, I'd call ahead to make an appointment for just after your NA. I was lucky that they were able to fit me in.


02/08/2010 16:19
02/08/2010 16:19
Re: Dr Eaton did my NA yesterday


I appreciate your suggestions for after-NA care and night splint. I will definitely do that. I am going to see Dr. Eaton a week before my procedure for a consult and I'll make the appointment to have the brace made in the lab next door...

Have you considered having RT following NA?...... It has been suggested that RT immediately or soon after NA can help stop re-ocurrence. I am planning to do RT upon my return to California with Dr. Tripuraneni in Scripps, LaJolla. I had NA on same finger in 2006 but it came back soon after, so this time I will try everything I can to hopefully get better results.

Edited 02/08/10 18:21

02/08/2010 16:28
02/08/2010 16:28
Re: Dr Eaton did my NA yesterday


Could you post the name/phone number of the lab that made your brace? , I can call them before I leave for Florida. thanks..

02/08/2010 18:04
02/08/2010 18:04
Re: Dr Eaton did my NA yesterday

Here you go...

FIRST Rehabilitation
Building E Suite 101
8895 N. Military Trail
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
(561) 624-1457

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Tripuraneni   contractile   suggested   stretching   myofibroblasts   weight-bearing   definitely   longer-lasting   re-ocurrence   muscle-like   contracture   straightens   procedure   progression   appointment   immediately   contractures   rehabilitation   inflammation   yesterday