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how many of you are golfers?
01/11/2013 23:58
01/11/2013 23:58
how many of you are golfers?

Started perusing the site and saw many golfers. Of those of you who golf, if you have a second to respond, can you tell me how many holes you play a week and how many times you go to the driving range?


01/12/2013 00:14
01/12/2013 00:14
Re: how many of you are golfers?

I cant play right now with a stage 4 left hand but I play 2 times a week and hit balls in the garage in my net.Monday the 21st I start my multiple injection study so wont be to much longer before im back in action.Dave

Edited 01/12/13 02:14

01/12/2013 00:19
01/12/2013 00:19
Re: how many of you are golfers?

When I first developed Dupuytren's, I was playing 36 holes per week. The interesting thing was the number of other golfers in our club who had Dupuytren's. When I was about to have surgery, there were 19 people in a meeting at the club and out of those 19, six had Dupuytren's.

01/12/2013 09:54
01/12/2013 09:54
Re: how many of you are golfers?

Started perusing the site and saw many golfers. Of those of you who golf, if you have a second to respond, can you tell me how many holes you play a week and how many times you go to the driving range?


Good question Rachael. Also, I notice that a large number of of people on this site are musicians. It would be interesting to survey these also. Instruments such as keyboards really stretch the hands for many hours per day.

In any case, DD also affects untalented people such as myself who is neither a musician, a tennis player, or a golfer!

01/14/2013 14:42
01/14/2013 14:42
Re: how many of you are golfers?

I played tennis at least once a week from 1980-2008. When I developed DD I did not play for about a year. After RT I now play tennis about 1-2 times a month. I golfed 2 times a month for a few years (1995- 2000), then it dropped to once a month and since DD it is maybe 4 times a year. I played the piano, then the guitar, then I took up the saxaphone and played regularly until maybe 2000. I don't play sax much anymore due to work demands. In fact due to work I don't get to play tennis or golf the way I would like to. I need to retire.


Started   Dupuytren   question   untalented   Rachael   injection   golfers   musician   rachaelintx   interesting   keyboards   driving   developed   1980-2008   perusing   musicians   multiple   saxaphone   Instruments   regularly