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my xiaflex experience
10/05/2015 13:15
10/05/2015 13:15
my xiaflex experience

I'm 47 with DD, worse in left hand than right. My left pinky has been bent all the way down like the illustration in the "International Dupuytren Society" logo; the tip of the pinky pretty much touched the palm of my hand.

my first doc wanted to do two surgeries -- first to install something called a digit widget, then later to cut out the diseased tissue, and straighten my pinky. nice guy and i have no complaints, but i went to another doc to get 2nd opinion. she does more xiaflex shots than anyone (by far) in my city, and she advised me to try xiaflex first. said you can always do surgery later and won't burn any bridges

so i got two rounds of xiaflex in my left hand around the pinky area. no real side affects. the shots themselves were not too painful, although i did have pain the night of both times and wound up taking a pain pill. 2nd time i got some itching and a bit of pain under my left arm, plus a nasty blood blister on the pinky from the next-day manipulations.

but i am SOOOO happy with the results. my pinky is almost totally straight at the joint where the pinky meets the hand. it's still not real functional -- i can't type w/ it or play piano with it, because it has a 90 degree bend at the 2nd joint (the PIP i believe it's called), but doc says that may not even be related to the DD.

also, in addition to the chords that she "popped" to straighten the pinky, i feel like the chords in the middle of my hand are reduced. there is so much more mobility in the hand, and i am 100% happy. we'll see how it goes long term, but i am a fanatic believer in xiaflex.

if there is anybody considering surgery who hasn't tried xiaflex, i would say try xiaflex first, if you have decent insurance. it was cheap for me, and most of my out of pocket was paid by the manufacturer's copay assist deal.

really really happy.

10/05/2015 14:00
10/05/2015 14:00

Re: my xiaflex experience

Hi thanks for sharing you experience. Xiaflex is too expensive in Australia about $1800 a vial. Not covered by PBS which means the Govt. subsidises most drugs but not Xiaflex. So it is all out of pocket expense-Not covered by the health system in Germany either. You made no mention of wearing a night splint or any exercises to carry out within 14 days of the treatment to keep the joint straight. Keep us posted.

Edited 10/05/15 17:57

10/05/2015 15:33
10/05/2015 15:33
Re: my xiaflex experience

I had Xiaflex (Xiapex) in my left hand in July of 2014 after postponing/avoiding surgery for years. I am very pleased with the results and so far, see no indication of DC returning, although it's a possibility for any DC remedial procedure. There is no cure per se. US cost for Xiaflex is about $3600usd, my Medicare Advantage covered about $1000 and Healthwell Foundation covered the remainder. I now contribute to Healthwell when I am able. My procedure was performed by a plastic surgeon who specializes in hands and has done many Xiaflex procedures. If the DD growing on my right hand develops into DC, I will have the same done on it, even if I have to save up to pay the entire Xiaflex cost, it is worth it to me. I think successful Xiaflex procedure is highly dependent upon the skill of the doc.

10/05/2015 17:50
10/05/2015 17:50
Re: my xiaflex experience


yes my doc had me in a night splint, along with some stretching exercises.

I'm just amazed that I got the results I did with nobody cutting into me and with really very little inconvenience or pain.

I think the bill for my shots was around 4100 each time, but my total out of pocket, after health insurance and copay assist, was around 1000.

10/05/2015 17:55
10/05/2015 17:55

Re: my xiaflex experience

I had the same results. Isn't it great to have the pinky open again. It's such a pain getting caught on door handles and such.

Good to hear your success story. My doc told me to always wear a splint every night This will help prevent the fingers from curling at rest position. Also therapy helps stregthen the fingers.

The hematoma from splitting the skin will soon heal and the Xiaflex leaves no scars form it.

Congratulations! I hope you will be playing the piano again soon?

Kind Regards,

experience   considering   International   xiaflex   Congratulations   complaints   postponing   Healthwell   procedure   manipulations   Foundation   straighten   procedures   expense-Not   specializes   possibility   manufacturer   inconvenience   functional   illustration