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New diagnosis 1 year after injury
01/27/2022 21:01
01/27/2022 21:01

New diagnosis 1 year after injury

Hello, everyone,

New to this forum and just diagnosed with DD a couple of days ago. 64-year old female living in rural Maine, USA.

I fell onto the hard ice on my outstretched left hand almost a year ago and broke both the radius and the ulnar bones. The radius was badly fractured and I had surgery with a titanium plate screwed on to hold everything together. The ulnar was allowed to heal on its own. Xrays show the bones have healed. I did physical therapy for the maximum time allowed by my insurance (15 weeks) and regained a good deal of strength and flexibility, but my left wrist, thumb and upper arm continue to bother me a bit, with some pain and stiffness. I continue to do some of the recommended exercises but admittedly not as regularly as I probably should.

A couple of weeks ago I noticed the small lump on the same (left, nondominant) hand that was injured. It is on the palm about 1 1/4 inch below the fourth and fifth fingers.

I called my orthopedic surgeon, who referred me to someone else in his office. The Dr. I saw confirmed the diagnosis after an xray and very little physical examination. He told me Dupuytren's is inherited and has nothing to do with my injury. He also indicated that there is nothing to be done right now since I am able to fully extend my fingers and there are no cords yet. When/if the time comes, he said he only performs surgery and he would have to refer me to someone else if I am interested in alternative treatments.

I reviewed some of the literature on this site (THANK YOU!) and noticed there is research indicating that DD may indeed be triggered by injury in someone who is prone to it. I also read that there is a possibility what I have was entirely induced by the injury and might not be DD. No one else in my family that I know of has had it.

I currently receive massage therapy and my therapist thinks she might be able to help somewhat in releasing the tissue around the lump. She also recommended a CBD salve to treat the scar tissue from my wrist surgery as well as the lump. I also take Bromelaine.

I feel grateful to have had a skilled surgeon to repair my wrist, but I think most orthopedists tend to be trained to look at isolated parts of the body with little understanding of whole body approaches. It's also hard to find a good specialist in this very rural part of our state. The closest high quality medical centers are 3 - 6 hours away by car.

I am interested in other treatments that have worked for folks here during the early stages, to prevent the disease from progressing. What other health care professionals have folks seen that have been helpful?

    01/27/2022 21:29


    01/27/2022 21:29


    Re: New diagnosis 1 year after injury

    As you have read new cases of DD often first appear after physical trauma including surgery. It does sound like early DD but your description of the diagnosis is a bit vague. I would rather it was diagnosed by an experienced hand surgeon. What happens next varies from person to person. It may settle down and nothing further happens. It may progress oh so slowly and even if you get more nodules or even cords might not lead to a contracture. There are risk factors you can look into, including genetic, and some life style associations that you may be able to influence. I would recommend taking some care of your hand when doing manual tasks, perhaps more that you had considered previously doing; keep a journal with photos and notes about flexion, hand spread and any odd symptoms including of course lumps, pits, skin changes, signs of inflammation or soreness, aches, itching, anything that indicates active new or ongoing progression. The recommended early treatments for active early active cases are steroid injections for inflamed nodules or RT. There are lots of other unproven remedies that people report help them in the early stages including forms of massage, magnesium, oils, vitamin E, cbd for pain, DMSO, etc. They are described or discussed in the forum, and if you try them have an open mind that they are mostly anecdotal and a firm grip on your spending on possible snake oil cures. There are several FB groups too that you may wish to join and discuss the various remedies,
    Best wishes SB

      02/23/2022 23:09
      02/23/2022 23:09
      Re: New diagnosis 1 year after injury

      I also fell and caught myself with my left hand and broke my wrist. I had a cast for a few months and when it was taken off I noticed a small lump in my hand like you've described. It's my understanding that dupuytren's is something that if you have it in your genes it can lie dormant and may or may not develop into a nodule, cord or contraction. I'm personally convinced that trauma like a broken wrist triggers the disease, I have a relative who recently broke their finger and shortly after a nodule developed. I don't think it's a coincidence though some people seem to believe it is.

        02/23/2022 23:30
        02/23/2022 23:30
        Re: New diagnosis 1 year after injury

        Totally agree. I broke my little figure and soon after developed Dupytrens. Finger now at 90 degrees

          nondominant   including   interested   orthopedists   understanding   associations   diagnosis   examination   contraction   experienced   alternative   inflammation   professionals   outstretched   coincidence   progressing   possibility   contracture   recommended   treatments